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Poem -

Freestyle from the feelings


Freestyle from the feelings

The Devil has a hold of me
his army is always recruiting

When temptation calls

Poem -

Crafting My Existence

Nurturing Hope Amidst Challenges

Crafting My Existence

Speaking aloud, forging a path,
I am passing through, creating my own atmosphere.

Not even...

Poem -

Another Moment Lost

Maybe we should have
made love
there and then between
the statues
of Adonis...

Poem -

Love live and be free

Beauty and the beast

Beauty and the beast
well beauty’s me kind nice and free
The beast is the monster that loves...

Poem -

Writers Turmoil

Writers Turmoil

Intent on self exploration, stripped and laid waste to the crows, my lungs collapse and I drop to my knees...

Poem -

The illusion of the mind

The illusion of the mind

Illusion of the mind it
Plays tricks like watching
Flicks in A movie it is
A delusion...

Art -

Digital Portrait Drawing

Digital Portrait Drawing
Poem -

Who in the World

Who in the World

Who in the World do you think that you are
You haven’t won a series since mid july
Your All...

Poem -

One day


A kiss a touch is all I need that’s what I need to comfort me. A word a sound a moment of joy. That’s all I...

Poem -


"All of a sudden my blood was gasoline,
and his kiss was the stroke of a match.
I savored the...

Poem -



“I’m a body of water, that he swims upstream with his hands tied behind his back.”

Poem -

Just Friends

Desire hides her flushed face in the crook of my arm.
So tenderly you sang me a lullaby that one...

Poem -


Them wants Acknowledgement and Respect

They want to ban what some people refer to as good Books to make room for these?

This is what they'...