Make COVID-19 pandemic below the law

Make COVID-19 pandemic below the law
Why is COVID-19 pandemic above the law?
It is bothering me and everyone on earth
We wash our hands for at least 20 seconds
We social distance at least 6 feet apart
We mask up when leaving our home
What is this at this point?
We all should be careful how we run on our lives, now
Make COVID-19 pandemic below the law
Why is COVID-19 pandemic still staying on earth?
This is a year round pandemic where there are no reverse how we are protected
Vaccination is a must, but COVID-19 pandemic still stays in fact still above the law
Someone needs a strong power to take actions immediately
This outbreaking setup is extremely urgent
Make COVID-19 pandemic below the law
There is no exact time when it will reverse from above to below the law
If we will in this world are taking these guidelines seriously under CDC and WHO , then there is going to be changes
How about workers at Wet Markets in the agricultural field?
Workers should do their jobs correctly, all the time
If not, that is where the problem goes, COVID-19 pandemic has been rising ever since the outbreaking incident at Huanan Seafood Market at Wuhan China.
So please follow instructions when you are at work at the Wet Market.
Make COVID-19 pandemic below the law
In order to make it below the law
Tell people that you should follow every instructions when you are at work all the time.
Seriously, do it as it being told
Finally, the future results for COVID-19 pandemic will become BELOW THE LAW.