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My pledge for humanity

My pledge for humanity

All or none

there is know maybe or half ways

there is no some or enought. There is no us if we all cant be accounted for if one is lost to find us then we are lost to find it... Brothers and sisters do we have not already to much shame in our lives as individuals. That we have to be so cruel and disrespectful to humanity to ourselfs and to the ones that god gave us to love and cherish respect and care for.. We are poets to the apposite sex we already cry and bleed for men for women and women for men so is it really necesary to add and take all the unnecessary adds and takes from each other. What is wrong with us are we walking back wards in time or are we walking with out care. Men were we born by ourselfs pleaee tell me is there some of us that are here because we just magically appeared if so then say so. We both men And Women should look at this and see it really is so simple not complicated at all.. It takes no effort and dont cost a thing. And all benefit from it and its good its correct is whats right.  But our heart will give ourself an excuse like the one of you maybe been born by magically just appearing on earth. It those that because its sad, so sad, it is pathetic" respect is the same as love how is the for love we all bleed the same we love the feeling of love and affection and emotions right how come we all agree that a broken heart no one wants a part of huh? And we do it world wide easy . So why are we not doing it. I know we want to right!. so then"  i dont want to belief that we are so heartless and disrespectful and ignorant whem it comes to some thing we all know like live like team and love and unity together and one for another. Please men like me i am like you so why are we treating women differently and why is women treading men differently indivisually why those there have to be a why on some thing that is (we know).  There is no excuse for such animal behavior between humans. Women and men are different but the same. We are diffeent only to be togethe but we are the same wen it comes to purpose and we both hold an equal amount of space and attention in our father mother of heaven.  We have to step up accordingly not step back ignorantly. This is not a soccer game its not a school exam or a life lesson.

Brothers and sisters this is a way of life this is what separates us from the donkey and the monkey. Women whats wrong with us men why do we struggle to give you whats yours . men whats wrong with us really why are we holding on to something that those not belong to us. Are we that less, are we that scare, are we really that unfair to take the respect and equality and the joy of existence from another so we can feel not equal but superior... This is None sence im sorry but i sence know sence at all from all when it should be we for all. Look around you my brothers and sister hear around look what is happening and worse what we are allowing . wake up and wake up now because this is some thing that is not going to fix itself it dint make itself ok. We did this to us now we better fix this for us. Don't let your children grow up in such hatefull And disrespectful

State of mind. Care for your neighbor dont let him think its ok to do something so inhuman dont let others influence negativity in your child dont let schools or teachers or family and people in positions of power get away with a single remark agains our co-existence

Put your foot down take a stand use the mouth that god gave you to protect to respect to show we expect to not disconnect. Im am really ashame. Because im not a dumb man i am a weak man. Because i know whats right. and i see the reality of man and women theres is only one man on earth and only one women on earth ok bro and sis. There is not many ways of man and many ways of women theres only one way and we have lost our way for the other is it not clear.. Men we are not perfect but this has nothing to do with been perfect. This is humanity at its laziest and less classiest this is us at our weakest.

Im ashame because i have seen such acts of cruelty and sexism and desrespect to our own, and i did nothing for us for them for me. I did not stand up for my mother for my sister for myself. Because Im weak and i lied to myself by telling myself i am to good to powerfull to superior to waist my time when infact i should Of corrected, defended, loved what was wrong what needed protection and was getting no love. Because i allowed it i am guilty. I am ashame to hold such fame in the of disgrace. I am man i know the true way of a man so i pledge and invite all of us one man to do to act to walk and show the way of a man to all so that all can be all ok again.
I will be a strong man from know on and push fight and never ignore and act of evil towards my responsabilty to all. Brother and sisters i love you and im sorry for my participation in this crime.. I will choose my words correctly wen im speaking but my brothers and sisters

And i will make sure that others also choose there words correctly when speaking about a brother or sister. 

Zero tolerance for this type of behaviour
Lets love, hold eachother, walk next to one another lets climb mountains fly together but most important lets not leave no one behind.
          By a human for a human to humanity.

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