From my first step
When beneath my bare foot your warmth guided me
To where I now stand, my body trembles and my soul quivers:
—How long can we take, exploit, and command,
Where little to you we offer and much from you we demand?
I shall awake and I ask for it be not too late before my heart bleeds
And in dust, the face of a mother I cover.
Terra sancta, mother of us all,
Here I stand before you in reverence and awe.
I ought to become your guardian and lie my head upon your breast,
And when I am no longer here
Others will clean your wounds and carry on in this mighty quest,
For, they too, have the right to be here
And upon you,Terra Sancta, their heads rest.
I wish we would take more care of our planet Earth.
“'Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.''
This is extremely well poemed B .. a real beaut, write from the title itself through to good old Nietzsche at the very end .. a great image too ..
This is one to remember & come back to again and again .. Neville
I am way late to reply to your wonderful words, Neville. I am happy you
like this, I have a soft spot for this writing because I get concerned about
how we're leaving our beloved planet for the next generations. We still enjoy a good leaving and it's not fair to mess it up for the others. If we keep
going at this rate, it's not going to take long. I am guilty of this too, of course. Like everyone else, I pollute, I use the resources and I simply don't do enough. Ah, it's a difficult and complicated one and it's always going to be. Cheers Neville.
It's never too late B .. Neva