A groundcrew personnel, nonchalantly looks on to a TR-3B that has just come back from a secret tactical mission.
NOTE: Soon to come...(Version B) of this same image- with two extra characters.
This is an improved version of the same image that I first posted up. I've tweaked it to look better. It is my #4 piece in a series of images related to the special TR-3B anti-gravity craft , which are also in my gallery right now. It is important to see the difference between this version A and the version B also posted up now. Version B, also has the two officers that are in the center background under the ship. Look at both images and compare them for yourself.
This is an improved version of the same image that I first posted up. I've tweaked it to look better. It is my #4 piece in a series of images related to the special TR-3B anti-gravity craft , which are also in my gallery right now. It is important to see the difference between this version A and the version B also posted up now. Version B, also has the two officers that are in the center background under the ship. Look at both images and compare them for yourself.