
Every once in a while, I dream that I'm flying. Like Superman. Though it's not like in the movies. I don't take off like a bullet or break the sound barrier. In my dream state I'd be walking along and I get this sudden urge to fly. I would stop, look up, lift my arms and jump. And I'd be airborne. One dream in particular was special to me. My late father was in it. We were walking up a hill,on a road, and my dad was walking up ahead of me. Suddenly, I decided to stop and I simply jumped in the air and flew. I calculated I flew about a hundred feet above, saw my dad below and landed right in front of him. He just looked at me and suddenly he flew into the air also. Straight up. I'm not sure how high he went,but when he came back down he landed right in front of me. He was wearing a cape. He smiled,as if to say 'Beat that'. And that was it. I'll remember this dream for as long as I live. To my dad, I love you and Miss you. My hero.
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