One language one world

the real world one should not care how fancy you think you speak or how big your words house is..and or how long do you make sentencess.or is your grammar punctual?!. How about if your tone meets standards?..! No!!. No..Or my favorite "what vocabulary dictionary is proper Or adequate to be suitable for me to speak no. No.!
i speaked and spoke And today i would have spokend if i just keep seeking to speaking.!! In this time and moment.! So im releasing a word. For a teaching of speech that i belief dont exsist. .every language in the world has a beatifull ,funny ,sad ,angry loveable way to it In one form or another. The structure or shapes of letters or the order in which you set the letters to establish a word..its nobodys bzness⬅when it comes to accent ,tones or and how your words look. Are the last things you should look for in someone ! What good those a "well" spoken person do, if his not willing to communicate and use his speaking gift ?.. I seen people with two very distinctive and different language's communicating way more than two people with the same language supposely them! Communicating!?
So theres no race but the human raze theres no bad taste in the things us human face! There is no such thing as (from there, or(from anywhere), only (from here). We are all from one place one earth nationality, one true language, and that's the one you simply offer anybody to communicate among us. Your mouth could only say for you what your able to gather of words you know to describe you!
But there's more to words than just laying them to sound.! Imagen having a darn out of this world funny conversation and your just laffing red, spitting almost shocking on your lafter ! Now imagen that coversation exsacly the same but a poker face . just straight no emotions . not even blinking ...??? Can u imagen that?!. Now how confused would you be if your crossing the street and your about to be adviced by a unknown resident of earth that your about to get rand over and die!! ? We will expect 100 percent of the time to turn because someone is screamming, jumping, swinging his arms signilling like crazy and shouting...,!(?HEY MR MOVE..OUT OF THE?..WAY ?)
Right?... Wat will happen "pure say" if in that same scenery your mr or ms guardian angel accross the street those exsacly the opposite, of wat your expecting in reaction from them? "Yes" i agree boom paw bye bye...! You just got rand over . Its true i think its true ....
The only think i feel that is better than any language is knowing two languages or three languages the rest is bull crab, equally each one beatifull in own way of speaking but we communicate all in the same way. Amazing each one of they. There all teachable, understandable, and reachable. This is a speech a thought but really a fact. So wish we all understood this