We are all we have

Been wrong don't make you wrong It makes u human. If everyone had more push and less pull many good people will not be dragging. Stupid fools wake up.Dumb as chick your not  wat wat u used to be.. Were not equal. If we were we would not have never been unequal. He made everything equal when it comes to existence life and enjoyment of liberty..and yes we men are idiots and slow to catch. But we and i love and will die for you women.  But what the are is it with using independence now to put your men down. U have it now better than beforeâ and yet still now not enough now u fight for something. And putting down the men u beg so that u can. Feel equal..tell me what's your purpose in the end to take over? As if u women forgot that still women are the number one cause  in why humanity kills and dies for. Men they ruled the World from the best youâ and for you. What happened to Walking with us. Yet the glory of been a mother those not fulfill you already as the giver of life. But you take more lives than you give. And why because as long as u push Menâ soon enough âsoon will give in. Then you'll have a World of empty men.  Please god made human but two type meaning two roles. Meaning it's not a war between usâ so love us by loving what are god made us to be.. Dam power shower me and love god for and me for he made me for you. But don't take what's mine i'm already sharing. And we men are idiots but we are god's creation to its perfect. But women will always be
The perfect.