Pence Takes Over Ushers in Christian Facism

Dream 177 Pence Takes Over -Ushers in Christian Revolution
Trump dies of a heart attack about half way through his term. Pence takes over and vows to complete what Trump had started – shrinking the federal government, turning over most responsibilities to the states, reforming the military including reviving national service, and pushing for the elimination of the three bad court decisions now that they had a reliable supreme court. The three decisions were Roe Vs. Wade, Gay Marriage and Making homosexuality legal. In all three cases they would propose to the court that they invalidate these decisions and leave it up to the States to decide how to proceed. They would ask the court to let States decide whether to ban marijuana, gambling, prostitution and pornography.
When the court rules favorably on all these decisions, Pence is ready for the next step – a Christian revolution as he puts it.
He announces the Christian revolution in the state of the union.
The US he declared would become a new nation to be called the Christian States of America. He called for a constitutional convention to be held to set up a new nation that would be a successor to the old United States. He offered to let Canadian provinces join the new nation.
He said that as part of the new succession, the Christian states would retire the entire accumulated debt before beginning its existence. The debt would be paid through a onetime income tax surcharge of 10 to 20 percent.
The new states would enact the following changes to the constitution.
First the constitution would explicitly state that the Christian States of America are a Christian state with Christianity being the official religion of the United States. Second, the bible would be recognized as one of the core documents underpinning the new government, with the other core documents being the declaration of independence, the bill of rights, and the original constitution. All five would serve as basis of law making and supreme court interpretation, but the bible would be the supreme law of the land. The ten commandments would .be added to the constitution as well and serve as the fifth basic founding document.
Second minority religious groups would have to register every year with the government.  Only Christian groups would be able to get tax exemptions. Non-Christians would be allowed to stay in the U.S. and observe their own religious traditions but would not be allowed to openly evangelize nor would they be allowed to publish books, or operate media outlets. And they would not be allowed to claim any special privileges such as officially receiving time off for religious observations.  Easter would become an official holiday with a four-day observation starting with Holly Thursday, and ending with Easter
 Monday, schools would be closed the whole week through Easter Monday as will federal, state and local government offices.
All retail businesses would close on Christmas, New Years, Easter, Thanksgiving, July 4th, and Veteran’s day. No exceptions. Government would operate essential services only on those days as would hospitals etc. Convenience stores will be open at the owner’s decision as would owner owned restaurants, chain restaurants and fast food outlets would have to close.Â
There would be two groups that would be banned from residing in the U.S. Muslims and Atheists.  Both would be required to register and given one year to either convert to Christianity or leave the country.  Immigration would be limited to Christians only, Muslims visitors would be limited to business, diplomatic and official travel only and mosques would be opened to cater to those official visitors only in cities where there are diplomatic offices of Muslim nations.
A new morality act would be part of the constitution as well. The following would be banned
Sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, including sex assignment surgery, oral sex and anal sex.  Prostitution would be illegal. Abortion would be illegal except to save the life of the mother.  Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling would be illegal. Pornography would be illegal and the NSA would be authorized to shut down access to pornographic sites. Anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-religious sites and anti-government would be illegal as well. Anyone attempting to access such sites would be reported to the FBI for possible prosecution.
All media would have to be approve prior to publication. Anti-Government, Anti-American, anti-Christian content would be banned. Sexual explicit scenes and excessive violence would also be banned.
Marriage would be defined as the union of a man and a woman who intend to raise children. Those unable to have children or who choose not to have children will have ten years to adopt a child or their marriages would be considered null and void after ten years of marriage or age 45 for those who can’t have children.
All states would have to pass state level morality laws that mirror the Federal statute or exceed the standard. Violation of the national morality act would be punished by five years in state prison.
All applicants for government jobs including state and local government positions would have to pass a security clearance. Adherence to the national morality act would be part of the screening. Only Christians will be authorized to work for the government.
English would be the official language of the United States. Broadcasting in other languages would be illegal.
Foreign languages would only be taught at college or at government training programs for diplomats, intelligence officers and law enforcement officers and at private language academies but only for adults who desire or need to learn a language for travel or business.Â
Education would be left to local school districts who could contract out running schools to church groups. Schools would teach Christianity as part of the curriculum but would be prohibited from discussing other religious traditions or providing any recognition of such religions or acknowledging atheism. Schools would also be required to teach creation science as well as evolution.
Schools would again observe an official Christian break – the week between Christmas and New Year’s starting Christmas eve and that would also be an official holiday with government offices closed.
Labor unions would be made illegal and all existing contracts would expire. The right to strike would no longer be recognized. Minimum wage would be abolished. Child labor laws would be revised banning work for children under 12, and part time work until age 16 with parental consent. Full time work at age 16.
California votes to leave the U.S and the west coast and east coast states and Chicago all vote to leave the U.S. and will attend the constitutional convention but only to negotiate leaving the U.S.
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