The lonesome fisherman

I once had a dream about a lonesome fisherman, who ofcourse liked to do fishing in his free time. He always went to the same pool as it was quiet and familiar. He even went so many times that he knew how many fish there were inside the pool, yet he never could catch a single one, no matter the attempts. But that didn't made him sad or back down from his love for fishing as he kept going until he reached a certain age were he couldn't go anymore. When he reached an age were he asked himself the last years of his life why the fishes never took the bait. What they were thinking... if they were thinking that the fisherman was gonna kill them when he caught them and eat them... doubting himself if he was such person capable of doing these things they would think. Replying with an answer to himself what if the fishes understood that all I was doing was trying to make some friends by giving them food, by keeping them company, by giving up my precious time for them. While going back to the pool the fishes never understood why all of a sudden the "deceased" fisherman never showed up anymore... they waited and waited inside that same pool as nobody else ever came... the pool one day dried up due the extreme heat and killed all of the fishes. As they were at the brink of death they realised they could've went for the risk and maybe changed their destiny that would've eventualy happent if they stayed.
What this dream means;
Sometimes people have to take risks in their life to learn from mistakes, to not think in the past or be judgmental upon a new friend or loved one they meet, based upon what they already dealt with... because that will always keep you at the same destination... a lonesome, boring life that might be a safe one for sure, but what gives you nothing in return, but a quick death. Cause people rather follow basic instinct and rather prevent a heartbreak, a disease or a loss and that can also deny them much more what could be gained in life.