the short dream of acopulipts

In the begining There was nothing. All but very few saw value in this God forsaken dump we used to call home.Ā Danger now roams and peaks its head up every dark corner and under every stone. Most people either have died or had just given in and excepted defeat. now an these days all that remains of the human race is sick pungent Raiders and thiefs who'l do whatever it takes to survive even if it means murdering an inacent little girl for food. Its sad to see what was once the most beautifulest world in our glaxy rust away and become an inhabitable planit it might as well be Pluto. but in this case its besicully just an toxic wasteland. if anyone or anything were to survive in this wasteland they'd better get smart real fast and get there crap together 'cause one wrong step or move and there sorry carcuses are gonners. personally i have 4 main rules i live by. and they've kept me alive this long. rule one "Trust None""Fear Many" Rule Two. "Dont fall in love." Rule three."Dont waste preciouse time every second is an chance for sucsess." Rule Four "Enjoy the ride its short." (and Exceptionaly in an place like this.)Ā
what i would give to rewind time before the astroid and the polution hit us not short after human race ran out of oil wich didnt take long to turn this world into an even more rapidly ingrosing wastland. you see everything we use everything even a pen, computer, heck even rubbers, even the food u eat has types of oil in it. but before all that i was an geographer and iv learned a lot about the human race. imagine a woorld were 90% of the world depended on electronics and lil videos games. great now stop imaging becouse open ur eyes because its already reality. still dont believe fine then lemi gues how r u reading this lemi gues ebooks or on an online blog am i correct? id supose so and continue. now Imagine an world were polution was caused by 79% of people and was covering 46% of the world? if we could somehow throw all the trsh out in outerspace we'd have enough space to create another state. Because gues what this is reality and all facts. we as an human race are disgusting creatures heck ya we can live longer than an wolf or some wild animal but gues who's species are going to outlive who's heck i bet you couldnt evenĀ live one week without your vehicle or phone.Ā
when i was a child at the age of 15 right as i lost everything. i made a motto for myself. Hope is useless without an purpose and without a purpose were in biblogically not human and if were not human then were alien and aliens can be seen as an monster.
and il admit i agreed with myself it wasnt the astroid that distroyed human race it was ourselfs.
but the way i see it now. i have nothing therfore i have nothing to lose. witch helps a lot of corse id much more apriciate an goal or at least an edge. you know something to fight for.Ā
that also brings up my past i gues this is some kind of irony of some sort. lemi inform you a lil so your not missing anything.
i was 10 at the moment and i was already at my mothers death bed as she was weesing her last few breaths. she asked me to come closer and told me these few words. and they changed my life forever. she said
"Derick don't think of the past, it brings tears. and dont think of the future, it will bring fears. my darleing even though im dyeing live your life in the present with an smile and chears."
moments later i was evacuated from the room. and the last thing i heard was the high pitch beep sound coming from the heart machine. i watched as they tried to bring her back with pointless attempts of electric shocks. but those few words have gotten me very far in my life since.
of cource life after my mothers death was harsh not because i missed her more like i was left with nothing but my alcholic father. sure he was an okay friend but not an okay father. lucky me that i was able to visit most of my days at my cousins house. heck they basiculy adopted me. of cource that was my childhood.Ā
well like my mother said stay in the present witch is now. so here i am.
my name is Derick but i no longer go by that name then again i didnt go by any name no one did. in this day of age names were just useless. Man i could really use some mountain dew right about now. i thought as i leen back on the bolder witch id made home for the night. i yahned and spread my arms out streching. i then peer up at the sky and i can feel the chill brisk of the wind upon my neck.
i knew i couldnt rest for long, not with the crognogs nearby. and for those unawear of what that is...
imagine a spider mixed with an frog and an hedgehog..
yeah very very ugly.
i rested for about an hour before i began hearing the screals witch happens often when the crognogs awaken.
i grabed my small bag of gear iv gathered throughout the past months and tossed it on my back and grabbed my asault verminĀ
rifle and began in an hurry to outpace anything that may see or here me.
i had no choosen destination just the knawledge of were i once was was no longer safe...
i woke up after this part i tried writing this much and tryng to be as exlainable as possible persosnally yes half of this dream was monalague but aye i just sat and watch as if it was a movie if i go back to bed and the dream continues il also contnue the story XD lol thank u for reading XD.
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