My dream March 9, 2016

This dream was on March 9, 2016, and was finished at 5:30am, and was finished being written at 7:44am.
I was at what appeared to be an hallway, on a late evening day,
I could tell because the sun was edging the Forrest from afar from the far window,
The lights were flickering as usual, (thank god I don't have epilepsy)
I was roaming around looking for either someone or something.
I was in a fast motion speed walking I could hear my heart rate begin to beat faster,
"Megan!" I screamed hoping whoever this was would be capable to hear me.
Of course no response. I jogged to the far corner of the hall and made a turn,
And I open the far right closest door that marked (room 146 "Math")
I'm guessing whoever I was looking for must be close because I began to panic and rush.
I quickly banged on the door and pushed it open slamming it on the wall. The room was empty, the desks were scattered all about as if a twister has come and thrown them all around,
And I slowly surveyed the area till I came across what apeared to be a blood stain on the far right edge under the window. The blood marking seemed to say something.
I scrented my eyes and read "escape we have been found!"
I paid little to no attention to the markings as I still had a mission at task,
And that was to find Megan I at this point still don't know who she is.
I sprinted out and headed to the left room right across this room.
This was the algebra 2 class, I knew because I said it on the door.
I again knocked hard to make sure nothing may be stirring inside. And opens the door.
There were 2 adults lying on the floor with large marks upon the cheeks and their cloths were scattered and ripped apart. With blood surrounding the corpse.
"Damnit Megan were the fuck are you!" I yelled this time more pissed than worried.
It seemed I was a little livid mostly worried but determined non the less.
I exited the room knowing she would most likely not be in there,
I stop in the middle of the hall making no sudden movement and get upon my knees and place my fist upon the floor and perk my head up high.
It was obvious I was trying to listen for any nearby movement or noises.
I stayed in this position for a good 5 minutes or so till I heard a scuffling sound come from far off near the stairway leading downstairs in the end of the hall.
I stood quickly and rushed to the far end of the hall skipping steps of the stairs and jumping the last few steps to get to were I believed I heard the rustling noise.
I stood staring at someone or more spacificully it.
I stood looking at it for a good few minutes before making a move.
It appeared in human form but arms were a bit more suspended and fingers were scrawny and long and seemed to appear as sharp as a knife. And the skin was of that of an burnt human crisp like skin, there was markings all about its body as most likely scars from fights and most likely the cause of its death, but what transformed it into this is the mystery.
"Hey you mother fucker were the fuck is my daughter!"
I yelled witch is something I'd most likely usually never do but then again this is a dream and people do crazy shit when there pissed.
It peaked back at me and has just noticed its newest victim and screeched this most ugly noise that sounded like that of an sharp nails scratching a black board.
"I asked a fucking question you ugly ass basterd!"
Obviously I'm livid and shits flying out of my mouth at this point.
I then out of no where start running towards it.
And began to clinch my fist and flexing my inner arm muscle to fullest content.
I then extend my arm as far back as it could go and began excerting all the force of my body and jumped up allowing gravity to increase my force of the impact.
And withen seconds I fist punched it in the face knocking it completely clockworks like an owl head. Then sending it backwards knocking it on the wall banging it's head with extreme force making a splatter noise.
"Damn I fucked him up!" I said to myself. I couldn't help but smear and laugh just a little. By the looks of it it's not getting back up any time soon.
I then spit a loogie on its now lifeless corpse.
I heard that clear as an emo hiding in room full of angels.
(Btw emo means black and angels wear white so yeah...)
"Megan!" I yelled at the top of my lounges.
I listened closer this time I knew that voice more than anyone's it was pretty clear that she was near and more importantly she was alive.
Fuck I thought to myself as usually no response. I quickly began speeding my way down the halls stopping for no rooms.
"Megan! We're are you!" I screamed.
"Daryll I'm in the vents there's one close to ur far right hurry! It's dark and kinda cramped. Also iv been in here for what seems like hours what the hell took you so long!?"
Yup I could tell then by that smart ass voice and intelligent idea of the vents that she was my daughter.
I look over to my right and she was right.
there stood a little air vent.
Of course one thing rushed to my mine right away.
"Dafuck do u really expect me to fit in that small ass fucking vent if you HAVNT noticed I'm a little bigger than that!" I yelled to her.
"Shut the fuck up and shove ur fat ass In this vent and stop complaining."
I wasn't going to argue with her. Mostly because if she's my daughter I also know she will never give up until she wins. So I sit on the floor and shove my feet in the vent first and began pushing myself with my hands deeper in the vent.
Till I got to my chest. Damnit I knew I shouldn't of ate that damn deluxe burrito from Taco Bell. Damn why the hell do they have to make it look so good.
I then feel tugging at my feet.
"Fuck dad da hell u get to get this fucking fat?"
"Shut up and just keep pulling." I told her mostly because I'm scared of telling her I went to Taco Bell and dint bring her anything.
It took a few. Minutes but after a few twists and tugging I made my way withen the vents.
Fuck now I'm stuck on the thought of how the hell am I going to get back out.
It was then I saw a flicker of an flash light revealing that face I knew and loved.
And all the freckles you could ever count as well.
"Da hell u staring at we still have a problem at hand.
If you haven't noticed our schools been over run. Again and more importantly I never got to 5th hour to eat lunch I'm starving!"
Ha irony right? I thought to myself.
"Well Megan get ur shit and let's see about fixing this?"
"Yeah da hell you gunna do dad. go out there and Falcon Punch them all in the face.
Not meaning to ruin ur vibe but you no bad ass or not at heart anyway."
"I will if I have to trust me Megan I'm like Jacky chan il go and do some flips and kick ass to keep you safe."
"You funny now follow me I think I may know an exit. Just try not to be to load. Knowing your dumbass you'd attract an army a mile away."
Again I'm glad to have found her. I don't know what I'd of done without her smart ass remarks.
I began crawling behind Megan following her lead. I knew I was only joking when I said I'd falcon punch them all but she didn't need to know that I mean if I saw 3 of those things at once I'd freak out and most probably throw Megan at them so I could escape.
I stayed close to her but not to close to were her ass was in my face, mostly because if she was anything like me she's most likely fart on purpose just to laugh.
It was a short few minutes until we made it to our destination.
"Look through the slits in this vent. There is a door witch is the emergency exit, so when we run to exit the alarm will go off and it will attract them so we're gunna have to be fast."
"Quick question? We're did you learn to speak with such attitude besides me because we're Indian not ahem black."
"I learned it from the teachers and heck have you seen our presidents people are mean these days."
I continued to look out the vent just stalling because I knew I'd have to crawl back out again. The view seemed good and peaceful. Damn spoke to soon.
Again I heard that shuffling sound. And then moaning. And more than one. Unless there's an orgy near by I think this plan may be flawed.
I wait a few minutes until I saw 2 of them however one seemed crippled.
And was crawling on the ground. The other was what appeared blind because of an gash slicing upon its face. Well maybe it's not so bad but let's not jinx it again.
"Well dad time for ur ninja moves u talked about earlier."
Damn I knew that statement would come back to haunt me.
I went and dug into my pocket and grabbed a pen and opened the vent.
I peared my head out just enough to see the far end of the hall. Then I shove my hand out slowly and throw my pen as hard as possible hitting the wall on the other end of the wall. The creatures looked almost suddenly towards that direction. They began running chasing what they thought was someone.
Or let's let them think that.
"There distracted now start pushing my fat ass out of here."
I whispered.
I began pushing my way out surprised how easily I screezed out. Hew would thought for once it was easier exiting than entering.
I then look back and grab Megan's hand and pull her out as well.
We both look down the hall were those things ran.
We still seemed good. For at the second.
I didn't waste anytime I knew my big blue jeep was out side waiting for us.
I slowly open my eyes to peer at the alarm it was 5:00am I knew it was time to get up and get dressed but instead I pressed snooze and verged myself back to bed.
I run towards the door and open it fast and began to run towards the driveway. I knew I had to be fast because I had little time to finish this dream.
I peer back to make sure Megan was following. She was. In fact she was already in the car signaling me to hurry my ass up.
Il admit I'm not that athletic as I dreamed myself out to be.
The alarm was extremely loud and echoed in my ear.
I quickly open the Jeep door really not giving a shit where or why the others cars went.
I fastened my seat belt.
"Fuck u had taco bell!"
"Shit look Megan if you want a taco to I guess I can stop and kill a few more of those things and make u a fken taco."
Smart ass I thought to myself.
I wasn't gunna actually do that I mean why would I? I'm not that stupid.
I start the car and begin to feel that sweat engine humm. I feel for the air conditioning knowing it was a little cool. Then I began driving.
"Dad what's that."
I look over at her and she was pointing towards what appeared to be an huge oblivion gate to hell.
Then I crashed into a tree.
Yeah my thoughts exactly. What the fuck right?
The second thing that went through my head was.
Seriously Megan seriously you just had to distract me from driving!
Of course at this time I knew I couldn't finish the dream any further so I woke up.
I rolled over tumbling on the floor moaning.
"Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk schooooooolll."
I said to no one inparticulairly.
I then push myself up and grab my set of cloth's I set out for myself witch was a walking dead shirt with Deryll holding a crossbow.
Yeah Dyrell you got a prob with that he's badass!
And my denim jeans.
And I then head to the bathroom tossing my cloth's half hazardously on the floor and grab my tooth brush and placed toothpaste on it and started the shower.
I then wait for it to warm up and hopped in and yes I brush my teeth in the shower.
Then I used shampoo and body wash then hopped out and put the new cloths on.
I was a little hungry but was to afraid to go eat because my step dad was in the other room and I didn't like to stay near him to long he tends to find any reason to yell at me or whatever.
So I got my school iPad out and began writing about my dream.
XD well now your caught up I finished writing this on the buss so hoped you enjoyed my most energetic morning XD!
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