I just want to fight the fires. Want to be defiant. Want to plead for amnesty.
Altered. Tech alteration. Input acceleration. Humanity absorbing...
Forever - "U and I"
Forever U and I, in and through the whim of time. To fancy our...
How comfort smothers and subdues us, It’s fingers grasp tightly over our mouth, And its arm...
You were there when I lost everything, and when I hit rock bottom, You were there holding my hand, when I...
I have seen the sea, Seen it the way it blocks out god
And nurses it's children.
The Smoky Mountains
A canvas painted gray with pine trees
The Smokies rise...
People just don't know what prayer is is it asking for something or is it worship...
Did you ever find yourself, alone Trying to construct a life changing poem It's not...