Poem -

Shy of the Shadow

Shy of the Shadow

Whats at risk? 
   Of what exists? 
      When the reward is glory taken...  

      for eyeknow a better way 
         is yet to be
            that ofwhich reforms all that is good and righteously Divine
               onward & upto - the good level.   

theWandering now  
      heading backwards to full  
         Of Naturedreams ...

Is when EyeCame upon a view, Across the third lake, 
   eye saw
      GloMad, a Giant of YesterYear, 
         ...standing just tall enough to walk amongst shy of the shadow of tomorrow  
   as Just Yesterday left...  So went this Gog in chase
      dazed and affixed to the link of what seems to be 
         the deep abyss, within the Cliff  DARKer. 
 it happened there true
   Eye swear
      I heard it talking
         Thecloud right there 
            Iwish it shouted to me all the time on matter
               For that cloud has knowledge and can see what is uncertain

...As for it cannot be, what it is not intended, and can not never be ...

So went GloMad on a Q
   alone in asleepwalk 
      to Plymouth, 
         GLO's #iowillguided he
            but For what? This purpose
               How could he? 
                  And ForWhy?
                     whereas he Fallen?... or was he thrown ?  
                         Did they come from tomorrow? 
                            these children...
                               Herd of the corn

walking for why
   while eyewhistle a tune
      upstream... To the floodlands of FREELAND
         Made of the best and finest ARTIFICIAL RAIN 
            ever to be

I can barely keep pace
   in so narrow a place
      why must we race?
         for i have no desire to beat you. 
            Why have you Taken me
               to the Unknown
                  to such a place as this.. 

Purely it cannot be...
   just for the honey. 

Can you see that? 
   That surely screams danger
         YES, that thing. 
            Awaiting Shortly ahead
               in the bush
                  lies not far beyond
                     that ark right there 
                           it's the sign of the engraved 
                              is yellow and says ... 

    ...Ordinarily the plains cannot be passed, But the wind is the who that decides where  the water goes

Seldom and rarely the mystical shows
   as it did, once upon a time, in the garden, when i told this  #storybefore

Come now you, to my side, you pick it, right or left? 
   Position matter none here
      Vanity is cast over those who cannot can see it.  
         Can your star be my guide? 
            Over and through
               the most thorny path. 

As it lay here, you cannot see how we pass? 

Look there myDeafriend, far east, can't you see it yet?? 
   for the last time I saw this I was was not with well and riddled with Thorny pricks 
   like those points on a dart
      drawing body of blood and seeping up sweat
         O how it burns!
            Must i do as the strong do... the strong
               for this is my keep as i seek the treasure  of treasures 
                  the eternal  Fountain of youth . 
                     Surely unique in structure
                        a sense of enchanted
                           the will-of-the-week
                              is lost 
                                 has morphed
                                     is morphing still

ion once a fearless traveler
   now suffocated by the walls of the gorilla glass
      affixed by Codec
         in3's cometh the wav.  
            Crushing my beach To wither
               alas it is this cable-tow 
                  binding me to this herdforce 
                     Is gravity

 I ran, more so trot
   to tippy top of time 
      before i took cover
         under a canopy 
            Of SkyBark, the Beautiful tree
               Then SUDDENLY 
                  appears this mystic 
                     Calls itself Hunter
                        says he Hot on the tracks of some maiden
                           who seeks Coras beating harp of gold
                              navigates this jungle blind
                                 without sight 
                                    Forging forward 

                                      To the fire  
                                DEEP Inthe Amazon 

                                          LIES this crystalline Valley

So tired now - my soul to see 
 hard next, long REACH, for which I make to be 

in such haste this ioTrace

   to the end of things time
      Eye chosen for me... to see,

iGro apples in the orchard,  #eye always on #skywatch, for the wormTrojan with the silver teeth, made of titanium and forged in the STEAM, is eye sniff out the slime of the sly evil eye,  One motion, one movement, ido the Omni dance
   an identity lost
      To the souls served
         back trace back
            the darkness of the sun. 

Cshine in the beautiful words of the meminded mystQl eye writes.

#STEAMsay spoken
My outlook sent... Release Me

Let this symbol © show this work is “Copyrighted” as Copyright is, in this work was created in 2016 by Thomas Musolino, who RESERVES ALL RIGHTS

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Thank you lisa. This is fun. 

Rose Sho

You're talented....your style is different and a bit difficult to comprehend


thank you so much Rose.  There are many messages built in the layer of my writes.  Please if you have any questions at all about clarification, please ask.  For instance, "...Ordinarily the plains cannot be passed, But the wind is the who that decides where  the water goes" what I mean is, those of us who are cursed to ordinarily plain will never be granted passage to the level next.

And gloMad, the gogMadGog was really thrown off a cliff in Plymouth by Corineus, who was a champion in the Trojan war, slaughtered thousands of Athenians with one ax.

My writing calls out tech like AI and IO because no one realized they are stealing our insights, taking everything... "affixed by the codec" 

Thank you for your compliments. I really appreciate them

Crystal Chance

I love how the poem often switches stories that kind of combine all together at the end. I like it. Keep up the good work. 

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wellcom woodyLee

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