A Poem's Identity

Poets can be mass murderers one day,
And then lauded life-savers the next.
Deciding to be a prince or a pauper,
Or warrior woman of the opposite sex.
The lone flower atop the highest mountain,
A sexy killer to quicken each heartbeat.
Or a theme of calm as quiet as a nun,
Endless varied choice's lain at your feet.
For imagination knows no earthly bounds,
Even mixed bags of hellish and heavenly.
You can be animal vegetable even mineral,
When a poet becomes a poem's identity.

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Poetry has no rules , the conveyance of the poets ability to become anything they desire and the diversity of the various topics was highlighted perfectly in this write . Excellent write and a very creative delivery .
Absolutely Shaun...this is so true. There are unlimited perspectives to write from...a zillion ways to mess with style and flow...and abundance of words to use and limitless emotions and visions to try to portray. Great write x
Marion thank you and soooo good to hear from you and just got back from Harlech which is beautiful and beguiling as ever and we were hoping to go to The Channel Islands with much needed time off but that's been scrubbed (for now) but bonnie Scotland is still open for business.
I hope all is good with you and thank you again for your heartfelt comments which I will reply to and other members too.
Tonight and tomorrow my friend then those bonnie pipers beckon us.
And it feels good to have a needed break and chill for once.
I wish you well Marion and remain poetry blessed.💗
Rob!! It is good to see you back and hitting the ground running!!
And thank you so much for coming from your good self is praise indeed my friend. It's uplifting poetry gold.
And just got back today from Harlech, North Wales after visiting two good friends so I'm off for a quick cuppa then to catch up on yours and other members too.
I hope you're well, fine and dandy as we say here and we also say here in Wales...
Bydd gwir gyfeillgarwch a ffurfiwyd yn para am oes.
A true friendship formed will last a lifetime.
Many thanks my friend and poetry kudos and respect to you.
hard for me to refrain from writing about what I understand well, which is very limited, I do try to venture out from time to time, but I am sure to tag it speculative! lol! Your write Shaun is inspiring in itself, enjoyed!.............................................Jim
Jim thanks for your gracious comments and I believe you sell your self short there, for from where I sit and clearly see you boldly venture out all the time and every time is refreshingly and poetically so.
Thanks again Jim and I wish you well sir.
Yup I love living beyond my imagination lol brilliant pen Shaun my catchup kin 💕🤣❤️
Jill so much truth in what you say and I hear you loud and clear, for as you say it so well you've got to love living beyond one's imagination.
And writing poetry is ideal for it, or any writing medium for that matter.
Thanks again Jill and I wish you well my poetic penfriend.❤️
my imagination
run wild nother
Greg thank you for your comments and how right you are for an imagination can run wild and rampant in another world and can also take you there too.
A true dreamer's world.
Thanks again Greg and wish you well and stay blessed sir.
Wow Shaun I have missed your posts, but I will enjoy catching up. This one is perfect 👌 not just because it expressed the skills and varied talents of a poet. But in particular yourself. You can put your pen to anything and nourish every kind of reader. It is wonderful to see :) x
Hey Shaun. Just catching up with some! I love this. It's so true. Total limitless and anything is possible! Pinned! Px