Accountable(s) Have Been Turned.

All this love deposited & amounted
What you've earned , is what you've received ,
I'd just wish you'd own up to your balance ,
On my tip toes as I watch what is drawn to my name
As you tell me to always stay on a budget , it's naturally expected of you, to do the same .
As we have a joint account ,
At the end of the day when we walk away from each other ,
We have our own shit , we just don't tell each other about ,
It's unfortunate how , this recent check just bounced.
When tables turn , And The Balance starts to Zig Zag ,
Our Accountant, Can't be the only person that has our back
I mean , how am I supposed to brag , when my amount is Flagged ?
Or , even flex , When the negative sign & My numbers Are playing Tag ?
I've gone over budget before , thinking I was saving ,
Until I realized I was spending, more than I was making ,
For a minute I've been doing nothing but what you've been saying ,
For months you've been claiming you're saving , but it's not adding up , to what's in your balance that's remaining .

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