Mate, no man's heart Be stilled, so long as he lives. And the world doesn't get darker than almost blowing itself up, might I remind you of the World wars. Perspective is everything.
Poetic licence mate nothing more than that .. okay .. and for what its worth, perception is the interpretation of stimuli received via the senses, past, present and future .. Chin up squire .. Neville
So few words to convey a soul felt horror.
When we finally come to terms with our own insights, truths and impotency ...
a kind of cosmic terror prevails.
Oops, that's a little dramatic, just me on a good day...i'll start again then.
I felt this. X
This is spot on. No matter what you are going through ... the world carries on ... as normal ... around you. How small we all are in our huge, big lives x
"Sir," I said to the Universe, "I exist."
"That," said the Universe, "creates no obligation in me whatsoever."
Douglas Adams
Mate, no man's heart Be stilled, so long as he lives. And the world doesn't get darker than almost blowing itself up, might I remind you of the World wars. Perspective is everything.
Poetic licence mate nothing more than that .. okay .. and for what its worth, perception is the interpretation of stimuli received via the senses, past, present and future .. Chin up squire .. Neville
This is why I like to follow you
I am truly honoured but assure you unworthy .. thanks a bundle tho' regardless .. Neville
Clever Poetry Neville. Seems you're on here a lot lately! Always enjoy your work.
One tries one's best dear Fish .. it is certainly nice to see you here ..
I do hope life is treating you swimmingly .. Neville
So few words to convey a soul felt horror.
When we finally come to terms with our own insights, truths and impotency ...
a kind of cosmic terror prevails.
Oops, that's a little dramatic, just me on a good day...i'll start again then.
I felt this. X
I love it when you are and you do .. xx
This is spot on. No matter what you are going through ... the world carries on ... as normal ... around you. How small we all are in our huge, big lives x
"Sir," I said to the Universe, "I exist."
"That," said the Universe, "creates no obligation in me whatsoever."
Douglas Adams
May your gods bless and smile down upon you Tina .. Neva knew you were a DA fan ..
Here's a little known fact all my copies of his books are signed for me by the great man xx