Poem -

Angels and sinners

Angels and sinners

Angels and sinners
such distress and delight
One suffers the other’s perilous plight
battling a barborous beastly blight
Whilst foolish fiends swarm like midgets in flight

Our NHS relentlessly does what they do best
In these times of turmoil without needed rest
Yet with disregard and carelessness there are those who congest
Do they not have morals when invading infest ?

In absolute astonishment one watches the news
Following a midsummer’s day with sunshine’s hot hues
And one wonders “What the hell is going on” in angersome blues
When the nitwits of our nation congregate in queues

Easing this lockdown little by little as the Coronavirus contagion is waxing a whittle
With few and far between of the poorly needing hospital
We need to stay alert where this senseless overcrowding is non commital

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Jill Tait

Awww ppl are being ridiculous in Uk on beaches and beauty spots and littering everywhere too its awful at mo xxx ❤️?❤️

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