Poem -

Archangel Trilogy Parts 1,2 and work in progress Armageddon part 3

The War In Heaven /part 1. Avenging Archangel /part 2. Armageddon /part 3

Archangel Trilogy Parts 1,2 and work in progress Armageddon part 3

On the golden fields of Heaven,
In the shade of immortal white towers.
Alongside life's clear river dwelling,
And amid endless undying flowers.
Archangels and Angels recall and reflect on...

The War In Heaven.

The sad memory of a battlefield,
Where countless thousands fell.
When brother fought against brother,
Is a story Angels will never tell.

Where good and evil once brutally met,
And Angelic dead so peacefully rest.
Is a place trapped in every heart,
Ofย  a past hidden under their breast.

A war hidden from human view,
Only seen by them and God.
His warriors filled with resolute,
And their courage a golden rod.

Archangel Lucifer who once shone bright,
His pride and jealously has lead to this.
His wanton war in which many will fall,
And so will he at the bloody end of it all.

Archangel Michael leads an army of exalted,
An Archangel filled with intense furious storm.
To defeat and purge and forever cast out,
Lucifer and what bibles call his dragon swarm.

Lucifer and his army of black deep hate,
Have flown and marched all night and day.
They'll be merciless to exploit any weakness,
For he and all are so craving for their prey.

Heaven's gathered Angels listen to their leaders,
Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel,
Jehudiel, Sealtiel, Barachiel and another.
Discuss Michael's plan for the inevitable battlefield,
And this other's name shall soon be revealed.

Michael and his righteous army of messengers,
Gathered together make up a resilient band.
To defend and engage on Heaven's front,
Where they will either perish or they'll stand.

All Angelic thoughts and feelings,
Are hidden and tucked away.
For if they this day survive,
Perhaps to recall another day.

In Heaven's cruel wicked War,
There'll be a high price to pay.
To lose forever a friend and brother,
For that is all heartless War's way.

And like all living creatures,
They value their Angelic lives.
But will gladly sacrifice them,
To ensure that Heaven survives.

A total silence now descends,
All across God's Heavenly land.
Both armies now face each other,
As countless patiently fly and stand...

Enough! Let battle commence!
A cacophony of screams are unleashed.
So loud so angry and so vile,
And all tragically quickly forget.
When brother once embraced brother,
And greeted each other with a smile.

They meet and clash!
Angels flying!
Angels crying!
Angels dying!

Their screams and wails,
Once never heard.
Now commonplace,
In this war absurd.

They fight with swords,
They cut and thrust!
They slice and splice!
For in their victory they trust.

Many Angelic hearts torn out,
Countless ripped limb from limb.
Pulled apart like warm bread,
Endless blood and suffering.

A once united band of brothers,
Decimating Angels hand to bloody hand.
Sadly slaughtering each and all others,
Over their most cherished and sacred land.

They fight in the shade,
Of the immortal white towers.
And ocean's of blood,
Wash across Heavenly bowers.

They fight in life's,
Clear river dwelling.
Where heads are severed,
To stop their yelling.

They fight above and on,
And amid undying flowers.
Channelling all and any,
Dwindling Angelic powers.

They fight in the air,
Duelling in the clouds.
And far behind a crimson sun,
A bloody war that must be won!

No quarter asked,
For none is given.
For total victory,
Their aim is driven.

Still Lucifer's vast legions march on,
Guided by him and relentlessly urged.
Now falling into Michael's trap,
With many soon to be forever purged.

Michael forms a phalanx,
Of which all know his aim.
Drive towards vile Lucifer,
So he can be quickly slain.

Archangel Michael is playing his waiting game,
Drawing in swarms before one who will tip the outcome.
His thoughts reach the patient unnamed Archangel in reserve,
God's deadliest weapon he was designed to cruelly become.

To Behold!
Archangel Azeal!
He stands alone.
He's one of a kind.
God's Greatest Weapon.
So cruelly designed.

Heaven's merciless fury,
Is now unleashed.
The outcome of victory,
So vastly increased.

He's one of a kind,
So special and unique.
Created from God's Curse,
Of killing technique.

Seen only once on earth,
Wiping out whole armies,
In pre-Babylonian times.
Now unleashed in Heaven,
Against Lucifer's crimes.

Archangels are fierce
They are absolute.
They are Heaven's most terrifying weapon.
And Azeal is the most terrifying.
This woeful weapon,
This Death Incarnate.
Azeal's full capability,
He'll now mercilessly demonstrate...

His wings are a weapon,
Finely tapered leading edges.
That slice clean through,
Any defiant foolish wedges.

Azeal swoops down,
At break-neck speed.
Decapitating pitiful scores,
A quick death indeed.

For Lucifer's dragon swarms,
It happened so violently quick.
Never knowing what hit them.
With blood torrents so thick.

He fights with no sword,
Just a black diamond spear.
Impaling all fiercely,
Showing no mercy or fear.

The slightest small mistake,
He will run all and any through.
Small mistake or not,
Heaven's greatest warrior to view.

He is so fast,
A total blur.
For no Angelic fear,
Is hard to deter.

Azeal's wrath and fury,
Knows no bounds,
Simply pure power,
On all it astounds.

He spares no thoughts,
On those he's slain.
He fights for his brothers,
And victory to gain.

And courage and sacrifice,
Is found on both sides.
Any thoughts of death,
Simply pushed aside.

Impaling now,
Two at a time.
His actions so fluid,
His timing sublime.

His one-time brothers
Just can't get close.
His killing arts shown,
On those who oppose.

All and Lucifer,
Look on Azeal astounded.
At all the carnage,
Now dead and grounded.

He like his brothers,
Just will not stop.
Till all are vanquished,
Dead where they drop.

Of his Angelic powers,
He has no need.
He's a battering ram,
Killing at full speed.

His thoughts are his own,
This master tactician.
As bodies keep piling,
His grisly exhibition.

So quick and elusive,
He's here and then there.
Lucifer's hateful army,
Can't bring a weapon to bear.

Azeal displays no empathy,
No high pitched scream,
His aim is focused,
No emotion ever seen.

All sides and above,
They swarm upon him.
He cuts through them all,
To Lucifer's chagrin.

Lucifer now views,
Azeal's black diamond spear.
Combined with his skills,
They are two to fear.

Michael duels with Asomodeus,
Lucifer's feared second in command.
It's over in mere fatal seconds,
As Asomodeus's head falls on Heavenly land.

Gabriel is sought out by Valac,
Who has an old score to settle.
As Valac's heart is cleaved apart,
By Gabriel's sword of divine metal.

Azeal is confronted by Mastema,
Who dies in mid blink of an eye.
Sliced neatly vertically in two,
And ploughs wrathfully on by.

While Angels and Archangels Raphael,
Uriel, Jehudiel, Sealtiel, Barachiel.
Are dispatching Lucifer's vast legions,
A stain on Heaven that dares to dwell.

And when Angels are fighting,
For the betterment of good.
It gives them an edge,
That must be understood.

Cruel death's they linger,
Linger everywhere around.
For no surrender or mercy,
Shall ever be found.

Brother kills his brother.
Angel kills Angel.
Kill or be killed.
Victory or death.
Good versus evil.
Lucifer versus God.
Heaven or Hell?
Only time will tell...

This War of cruelty,
This War of waste.
This War will end.
But does never haste.

Many Angelic powers,
Are swiftly diminished.
And those with none,
Their War is finished.

A fulcrum now formed,
It's apex Azeal and Michael.
An unstoppable dagger,
Heaven's taste of Hell.

They are unremitting,
A relentless force.
Dispatching thousands,
Withoutย  remorse.

They'll never stop,
They'll never give in.
Their only objective,
To purge Heaven of sin.

A visceral scene,
Across Heaven's plain.
This curse of Lucifer,
Andย  plans for domain.

Azeal's black diamond spear,
Merges into a serrated lance.
Leaving Lucifer astounded,
Giving none a second chance.

Remorseless cutting and stabbing,
With no defence nothing to do.
Constantly jabbing and slicing,
Lucifer's army literally sliced in two.

The packed fulcrum erupts,
With a violent splay,
Angels killing the legions,
That stand in their way.

Slowly but surely,
The tide does turn.
Lucifer's Archangel face,
Registers deep concern.

Then Gabriel, Azeal and Michael,
Again enter this cruel fray.
Dispatching countless many,
On their now victorious day.

For Lucifer all is now lost,
He and his army now down they lay.
Prisoners to face God's Wrath
Their war lost and to endure dismay.

The War is over,
It's carnage told,
A quiet peace,
Descends and holds.

A scarred landscape,
So immense in size.
Littered with dead,
Victory's bitter prize.

And those who have lived,
Some with thoughts their own.
But for so many others,
All Angelic emotions shown.

Michael and Gabriel both whisper,
To Lucifer once beautiful and proud.
We are not blind for we all can see,
This waste and suffering is down to thee!

Their wings are clipped,
Each halo then smashed.
Cast down to earth,
Lucifer's grand plans dashed.

Lucifer is the last to leave,
But not before a curse is spat.
All wretched human souls are mine to own!
And one day soon I'll sit on God's Throne!

Azeal then walks menacingly toward to Lucifer,
For the first time ever Lucifer blinks and swallows.
He glares fathomlessly deep into Lucifer's eyes, then speaks,
๐ˆ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฌ๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐๐š๐ฒ ๐‹๐ฎ๐œ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž๐ซ, ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ˆ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ.
Lucifer gasps and quickly walks away to be cast down.

It's been said it never rains in Heaven,
But at close of that day it did.
By many an Angelic tear pouring uncontrollably,
From many an Angelic eyelid.

And when the dead were gathered,
All were buried in a meadow so green.
A place where human souls shall never find.
A spot only Angels know of and breath in,
The perfume of perfect peace and fragrance serene.
Yes, a place of perfect peace chosen by God
And where a simple white cross can be seen.

ย Avenging Archangel. Archangel Trilogy Part 2.ย 

An Avenging Archangel I most savagely am,
The cruellest curse cast from God's darkest spell.
An inhuman being of doom you can't hide from,
Eviscerating the guilty despatching all to Hell.

I will easily break your back for mere starters,
Let me see how much pain you can endure.
This is a small morsel taste of what's to come,
For your abhorrent sinful life you hold so dear.

My talons will shred your puny skin into straw,
Another teasing sweet taste of much more to come,
You will cry beg and pitifully scream for my mercy,
Plea'sย  to a black Angel where dwells simply none.

For I am winged darkness and I hunt day and night,
I've slaughtered whole armies in pre-Babylonian times.
Here again on your earth a chosen evil to destroy evil,
To seek and dispatch wrathful justice to all vile crimes.

Time for me is insignificant for I am truly immortal,
When I take wing to my scornful avenging dutiful flight.
I'm the truest titan of death and heartless retribution,
Even fallen Lucifer and his minions tremble at my might.

I am a black pitch that reaches out and engulfs you,
My talons easily slip through your worthless hide.
And slowly wrap around your still beatingย  heart,
For damnation until Hell beckons then you depart.

Your suffering at my hands will be legendary even in Hell,
I will always find you and shall always feel more pain,
Never beg me for salvation for I'll never be your friend,
Many offer me baubles answered by my wrathful disdain.

When I clarion in your face it will snap your worthless neck,
I will break your legs and show no remorse for severing your hands.
My exalted brothers Michael and Gabriel have taught me well,
For my fury knows no zenith or bounds on the guilty of these lands.

I am the deadliest weapon unleashed from Heaven's arsenal,
And now my malicious dark tale is nearing it's darkened end.
I simply seek a civilisation where people are simply civilised,
Aย  warning for everyone and if ignored, on you I will descend.
My name is Azeal.


Lucifer's War On Earth, Armageddon, The Battle Of Megiddo. The End Of Days.
Archangel Trilogy Part 3.(work in progress) ...

In the Catholic Church there are seven Archangels.
There were eight.
But he has fallen.
And is no longer seen as an Archangel of Heaven.
Simply a fallen Archangel who holds domain of Hell.
So it is always seen as seven.
Seven Archangels in Heaven.
But many people don't know.
There is another Archangel in Heaven.
Making the numbers back up to eight.
He is God's deadliest weapon.
Who fought in the War In Heaven.
Kept in Heaven's arsenal for Armageddon.
Armageddon here on earth.
The End Of Days.
At Megiddo.
Tel Megiddo.
Lucifer's war on earth.
The final battle.
Heaven's Archangels and Angels against Lucifer and his vast legions.
This mysterious Archangel was once on earth.
He decimated whole armies in pre-Babylonian times.
Then hidden from humankind.
For now.
He has the strength and Archangel powers,ย 
Of Michael and Gabriel combined.
Even Lucifer fears him.
Knows what he can do.
To him.
This mysterious Archangel has a name.
He is called,ย 

He is NOT Azrael.
That Archangel of Death is to be found in,ย 
Islamic and Jewish traditions.
Azeal is worse.
Much worse.

Most people don't know of him,ย 
Including many Catholics.
But its knowing where to look
And what books to read,ย 
To find small references about him.

Archangels are fierce.
They're absolute.
They are Heaven's most terrifying weapon.
And Azeal is the most terrifying.
Made for one purpose.
One simple purpose.
To once and for all,ย 
Destroy Lucifer...

Tel Megiddo.
Is the site of the ancient city of Megiddo.
Whose remains form a tell.
An archaeological mound.
Situated in northern Israel near Kibbutz Megiddo,ย 
About 30 kilometres south-east of Haifa.
It has a Greek name,ย 
A site of three previous battles over the centuries.
And today will see it's fourth and final battle.
Megiddo is vast.
Many years ago it was arid and lifeless.
Nothing could grow there.
A desert landscape devoid of life.
Over time humankind cultivated a small part of Megiddo.
But now it's arid and devoid of life once more.
And all humans who lived there, killed or scared off,ย 
Thanks to Lucifer.
Who has for been preparing his chosen battleground,ย 
For this day.
His day.
His End of Days.
His endless revenge against God.ย 
This final battle.
The Battle Of Megiddo...

Two figures slowly walk towards each other,ย 
In a blistering cruel heat.
They continue their walk.
Behind each of them in the far distance are two immense armies.
Two armies waiting.
Millions on each side.
One of good.
Heaven's Archangels and Angels.ย 
The other of evil.
Hell's Fallen Angels and Demons.ย 
The two figures now stop in no mans land and face each other.
Lucifer is the first to speak.
Jesus, you and your Father will not win here today.
Tell Him what little time He has left,ย 
To relinquish His Throne and worship me.
And I'll spare Him and everyone here, including you.
No tricks!ย 
I promise you that.
Those are my simple small demands.
Otherwise, little Lamb of God you will be slaughtered.
Jesus looks at Lucifer with sadness in his eyes,ย 
Then softly speaks.
Lucifer, all your promises are worthless and hollow.
Are you so blind that you cannot see,ย 
You will die here today at Megiddo,ย 
In this lifeless desert.
For all your evil and cunning will never triumph,ย 
Over my Father's good.
Please Lucifer, are you so filled with hate it blinds you.
So blind to your fate.
Look at you Lucifer.
Look at what you've become.
Where there was hope there is fear.
Where there was love now hate.
Where there was truth now lies.
Where there was good now evil.
Where there was virtue now sin.
And where there was once beauty in you Lucifer, now deformity.
Look at how far you have fallen.
Lucifer interrupts and spits,ย 
Hurry back to Heaven little lamb and tell Him I'm coming,ย 
Tell Him He will die after you, He will be last.
But not before, I and my army destroy all He has created,ย 
His precious humans, your worthless flock,ย 
After my victory here.ย 
Those monkeys He gifted with souls.
For I will wait for all the stars to burn out,ย 
Before I seek forgiveness from Him,ย 
For allowing that!ย 
An arrow made of black diamond is then shot,ย 
From the ranks of Lucifer's army of deep hate.
Jesus sees it coming toward his heart and does nothing.
He doesn't flinch.
Lucifer like blur catches the arrow in mid-flight,ย 
With inches to spare before Jesus's heart.
Simply snatches it out of the air.
He looks at it, admires it, then pulverises it to dust.
He looks towards his army then speaks,ย 
Tell that gifted archer I'm impressed by his aim.
Then remove his eyes and destroy him!ย 
For you,ย 
Sweet little Jesus,ย 
Your life is mine to steal.ย 
And your precious Father's.
Now run along little lamb, with your tail between your legs.
And tell Him this,ย 
I will KILL everyone here on earth after today,ย 
Then all who hide in Heaven!ย 

Archangel Azeal's eyes see everything.
Ever watchful.
Ever vigilant.
He never blinks,ย 
Nothing escapes him.
The master battlefield tactician.
His angelic powers also probing Lucifer's,ย 
Vast armies and their hidden defences.
Looking for weaknesses, however small,ย 
To exploit.
He see's the concealed deadly ground traps.
Sees the sharp thin diamond thread strewn no fly zones.
Relaying all information back to his angelic brothers.
By his thoughts alone.
Already he's marked out and targeted four of Lucifer's generals.
And Rakdiel.
Deadly Rakdiel.
He knows their capabilities,ย 
Their strengths and above all, their weaknesses.
Knows if they're right or lefthanded.
Knows of their sword feints and their stance balance.
Seeing if any carry a concealed Keeper blade.
All their little tricks.
All veterans of The War In Heaven.
And all their little tricks won't help them.
They will be first to die,ย 
By his black diamond spear,ย 
Or by his bare hands alone.
Nothing will stop him reaching his objective,ย 
And to rip his heart out...

Work in progress and concluded 2023.
For interest to Tony Taylor.


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Tony Taylor

OH MY GOD!! ~ This is STUNNINGLY AMAZING writing!!.....It was SO gripping and unbelievably well-written....your grasp of the many namesย 
and places is astounding.....knowing things/creating things like second in command!!ย  Those kind of details make this a work of EPIC proportions and leads me to say how gifted a writer you are......this should be ~ Either an Epic Poem or the outline for a fantastic book!!....I am absolutely blown away SHAUN CRONICK!!.......How long did it take you to write this?....I have so many questions I can't begin to list them here......WOW!! is all that seems to come to mind over and over......This is truly BEAUTIFUL work dear poet brother....the way you described the carnage is wonderfully crafted in that although you describe fields and fields of bloodied and decapitated corpses it still reads less graphically then one might assume it would be.....Amazing stuff my friend......I better stop now....gotta think this over.....I'll have more for you soon!!......PINNED for absolute perfection!!......BRAVO brother...and...Thank You!!......your cyber-friend and admirer......Tonyย  : )
PS ~ sucks that I couldn't leave starsย  : (

Shaun Cronick

Tony many thanks for your kind comments and this is a labour of love which I play hit and run with well over a year ago.
Tried to restrain and tone down the battle scenes and part 2 was simply written to give Azeal a voice and share his mindset.
And as you can see part 3 is written narratively and will end with two standalone stanza's of rhyme to tie it all up.
And something else final too.
Hope that helps and the whole thing to wrap up next year.
Thanks again Tony and enjoy poetry and life.

Jill Tait

Wowsasu must have sore fingers with this brilliant piece of poetry & all stars & pins โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ

Shaun Cronick

Thanks Jill for your kind and generous comment and I'll be honest I put up the wrong first part and had to re-edit it! And that took yonks!โค๏ธ

Jill Tait

Awww your lil fingers must have been sore writing this sheer brilliance never mind you noggin aching from its clever creativity ๐Ÿ’•โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ๐Ÿ’™

Shaun Cronick

Jill they most certainly did!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œโค๏ธ

Jill Tait

Lol aww but what an achievement!!!โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™โค๏ธโญ๏ธ

Being Me

Wow, Shaun!!ย  You have clearly claimed the prize for Best Epic Poem ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ย  I know of no other poet on Cosmo whoย  could pull this off. This is one amazing poem!!ย  Absolutely fantastic. Wow! And I mean...WOW!!ย  You bring these angels to life. Azeal is one kick ass super hero!ย  When reading I was reminded of the Philip Pullman trilogy...His Dark Materials. I LOVE those books. And I LOVE your poem. Brilliant, awe inspiring work my friend. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ย  xx

Shaun Cronick

Tina many thanks for your most gracious comment and I'm glad a poet of your skills and calibre enjoyed it. I put it for the superb Tony Taylor to have a looksee at and part 3 wrapped in a month.
And I'll be honest I haven't read any Philip Pullman butย  know of his Dark Materials books.
Thanks again Tina and as I once stated I am the late reply master and this just proves it!!!ย ๐Ÿ˜‚

Pratibha Savani

Shaun! I am going to read your epic piece when I'm not busy and can sit and enjoy reading it. Your comments look amazing!! Can't wait! I will comment soon. Pxย 

Shaun Cronick

Pratibha thanks for your kind comment and take your time for part 3 is work in progress and to wrapped up neatly in a month's time.
I put it up for the always superb Tony Taylor to view.
Thanks again and enjoy life and poetry!๐Ÿ˜‚

Pratibha Savani

Omg Shaun this is truly MAGNIFICENT!!! I'm so glad I got to read this when I had proper time cos it's just so EPIC!!ย 
I love stories around heaven and hell and I've watched all of the supernatural series that had Angel's and demons within its storyline like Lucifer Michael etc. I think I recall one called azeal but I dont know alot of the other names u mentioned. Was so amazing to to read the first part in full rhyme narrative with amazing description of the battle!
It also reminded of the EPIC battle that occured in india ssso very very long ago called the Mahabharat. Maha means GREAT, bharat means india/land. It is referenced in our holy book the Gita.
I'm am just simply awed by this epic piece. Bravo Shaun. The longest narrative poem I have ever read! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ an awesome battle of Angel's, good vs evil.ย 
It's a stunning crafted piece and you are truly an talented narrative writer! Sssoo pinned for super perfection. Px
and I have read his dark materials and it's awesome too.ย 

Shaun Cronick

Pratibha thank you for your kind and most generous comment.
And for coming back to read as you said you would, for that means a lot to me and great respect to you for choosing to.
I've heard of the word Mahabharat but never knew its definition.
Well I do now and thanks for enlightening me on an epic battle from long ago and to be mentioned in your holy book the Gita must be something to truly behold and comprehend.
So thanks again Pratibha and there's a supernatural poem out there now dedicated to your good self.ย 
I wish you well and the loved ones around you, stay safe and things are gradually getting better out there for one and all and enjoy all the immense good, life and poetry can possibly bestow.โญ๏ธ

ย ย 

Pratibha Savani

You are welcome Shaun! Credit due where its deserved and you wrote one helluva piece! Excuse the pun!!ย 
I look fwd to reading your new epic piece!! Thank you for the dedication! Such a honour.ย 
stay well and take care. Yes things are changing slowly out there. Px๐Ÿ’œ

Shaun Cronick

Pratibha you too and a great pun too!!โญ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚
Hang in there and I hope you like your poem.

Shaun Cronick

Greg many thanks for taking the time to read and your uplifting comment.
It's unfinished in part 3 but will be completed in a month's time and I put it up so the honourable Tony Taylor could view.
Thanks again Greg and I'm back later to read more of your fine and engaging poems and enjoy life and poetry and all the good they have to bestow.๐Ÿ‘Œ

Jill Tait

Wowsas Shaun abfab โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™โค๏ธ

Shaun Cronick

Jill many thanks for your generous comments and glad you liked it, put it for Tony Taylor to have a look at and part 3 I'll wrap up in a month.
Just like to write something different now and again.
Thanks again and taking a shopping break with a much higher power that's even loftier than anything Angelic!!!
She who must be obeyed!๐Ÿ˜‚...and she's worth it!โค๏ธ

Shaun Cronick

Lisa many thanks for your superb and uplifting comments and glad you enjoyed reading it.
It is has now become a pentalogy and to be upped this Easter Monday.
The Monday of the Angel.
Even this version has been rewritten/added to and more polished in places. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and any praise from you is more valuable than gold.
And will be visiting your poetry neighbourhood later today/tonight with the very best of poetry intentions.
Respect to you and I wish you well.


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Fear Not

No One to fear

The weight of your emotions
forgotten in fear and sorrow
In the reflections

Poem -




Find a shell upon the shore,
Comb the beach and find some more....

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