Poem -

Area 52

Dedicated To Max And Respect to You

Area 52

Area 52.
Located in Antarctica.
Hidden under the ice.
Deep down,
For a reason.
Area 52.
The most heavily defended and secure piece,ย 
Of real estate on God's good given earth.
Where money has no limits.
Not to keep something out.
But to keep something in.
Locked in.
Something Evil.
Something the outside world,ย 
Simply wouldn't dare to believe.
Or choose to.
For the sake of their own fears and sanity.
The world's and histories biggest secret.
And its most terrifying.
Hidden from humankind.
For centuries.
But for how long?ย 
For the clock is ticking.
And counting down.
For all those who guard it.
All those who study it
All those who try to kill it.
To save us from it.
Know one thing.
They will all die.
For it will escape.
One day.
One day soon.
They gamble their lives every second around it.
Countless brave souls.
And they all know,ย 
It will free itself.
And kill them all.
And billions more.
Out of spite.
Out of hate.
Out of evil.
Evil of the purest form.
For all the unique safe-guards,ย 
Restraining it are failing.
One by one.
And can never be replaced.
For it's escape had been prophesied.
Two thousand years ago...

Two thousand years ago,ย 
A trap was laid.
To capture it.
And was successful.
But at the cost of many lives.
Many, many lives.
Who all gave themselves willingly.
Each one content knowing they'll be rewarded.
Each one knowing what price had to be paid.
And to sacrifice themselves in honour,ย 
To aid in its capture.
To contain it.
Then take it away.
And hide it.
For as long as possible.
They knew they couldn't kill it.
But they tried anyway.
They forever stabbed.
They forever cut.
Till all who tried were spent.
It just wouldn't die.
Impossible to kill.
Every deep wound inflicted on it.
Just regenerated.
Grew back instantly.
So perfect.
So Evil
It was unkillable.
Immortal some of the scientists call it.
There are others names for it.
Used by the others who work around it.
Other names that fit.
Fit a lot better.
Names the outside world know of.
Names the outside world fear.
It is entombed in ice.
But no ordinary ice.
For the ice surrounding it's whole body.
Has the tinge of crimson red around it.
For this was once blood mixed with tears.
From two thousand years ago.
Blood and tears.ย 
To submerge and subdue it.
In a large granite sarcophagus.
To immerse it completely.
To drown it.
To knock it out.
Then to bring it here.
And freeze it.
Two thousand years ago.
The sarcophagus slowly removed over time,ย 
Piece by delicate piece,ย 
Permission granted by all the leaders,ย 
Of all the worlds religions.
All sworn to secrecy.ย 
To reveal it and take samples from it.
To experiment on,ย 
In the vain hope of killing it.
Once and for all.
All to no avail.
Nothing like it had been seen before under a microscope.
Or an electron microscope.
Newcomers at Area 52 gaze with morbid fascination,ย 
At this plinth of ice constantly monitored.ย 
At it and the reddish ice surrounding it.
The blood and tears mixed together.
The blood and tears holding it prisoner.
The blood and tears of blessed warriors.
The blood and tears of saints and virtuous.
The blood and tears of Jesus Christ.
For it has many names...
The Dragon.
The Serpent.
The Beast.
The Prince Of Darkness.
The Devil.
And Lucifer.
The fallen Archangel...ย 

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๐™„ ๐™‡๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก...

Lucifer only loves himself.
Beautiful and vain.
Filled and fuelled by jealousy against God.
For gifting souls to humans.
Or monkey's as he thinks.
Vowing to sit on God's Throne.
Beautiful once in Heaven.
Here on earth.
The fail-safes of blood and tears.
Now failing dismally.
His whole face now exposed.
And his red eyes are moving.
They never blink.
Following everyone around his chamber.
Terrifying all.
And his hands.
His talons.
Also free of the blood and tears.
Ever so slightly flexing.
But worst of all is his smile.
Lucifer's smile.
So baneful.
It's only a matter of time.
Till he escapes.
For the ice around him.
Is slowly,ย 

In 1946,ย 
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.
In the Qumran Caves,ย 
In the Judean Desert,ย 
Near Ein Feshkha.
On the northern shore of the Dead Sea.
Eleven caves held these scrolls.
All examined in great detail.
A mere quarter of a mile from,ย 
The last one containing scrolls.
Lies a cave that was searched,ย 
And no scrolls were found.
But hid a different treasure.
This cave holds behind a rock-face,ย 
A hidden compartment.
In that compartment,ย 
He sleeps.
He's slept for two thousand years.
And has now awoken.ย 
His prophecy now ended.
Awaiting him outside are heaven's Archangels,
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel,
Jehudiel, Sealtiel, Barachiel and Azeal.
And a vast sea of all of heaven's Angels.
Who all bow before him.
Whilst he humbly bows back.
Then speaks to all,
๐™„๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ข๐™š.
๐™๐™ž๐™ข๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ง๐™ž๐™™ ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™™ ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ก๐™™ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™‡๐™ช๐™˜๐™ž๐™›๐™š๐™ง ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ก๐™š๐™œ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™จ.
Now looking deeply into Azeal's unblinking eyes.
Who nods,
While clutching tightly his black diamond spear...


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The fish of the sea

Oh no Shaun, XD, I think you have just given away the plot of Ice Station for me!! I`m only halfway through hahaha! Mate, what a fantastic and brilliant tributed poem to the passion of the works of Mathew Riely and Tom Clancy. I think we share a passion!! Thanks so much for your kind gesture, awesome, well-written write. Peace and smiles! Your friend Max~

Shaun Cronick

Max it's pleasure and Matthew Reilly and the late Tom Clancy would echo your sentiments.
And Ice Station is one of Reilly's best and a great ending to it which I never saw coming.
And beg, borrow or steal a copy of The Breach by Patrick Lee it is the best original debut novel I've ever read and part of a brilliant trilogy.
And this is just a bridge of sorts to the final part of Archangel Trilogy which I'll up in good time and let you know before hand and another superb poet on here, I'm keeping mum about. For a good reason.
Glad you enjoyed it my friend and thanks again for your tireless and most respected moral support.
Hang in there Maxย 

Shaun Cronick

Greg thank you for the like and for also pinning it sir.
I wish you well and again thank you for all your uplifting moral support you also kindly bestow to many members on here.
It means a lot and thank you again.

Being Me

Shaun, this is superb poetic storytelling. Wow!ย  Had me hooked x

Shaun Cronick

Tina many thanks and glad you enjoyed reading it and for your generous comment. Truth be told I was unsure whether to put it up for it's aย  wee bit out there from the left field and a stepping stone for that final Trilogy part.
Thanks again Tina and for once this late reply master has broken his routine!!!
And later today I'll have time to revisit your poems old and new especially Scarlet among others which is a poemย that captivates and so beautifully written.


Wow Shaun, this gave me chills. What an epic write my friend and such a deserving dedication for our Fab Fish Max. You are gifted at Narrationย 
Your friendย 
Gwen ๐Ÿ’›

Shaun Cronick

Gwen many thanks for your generous comment and Max is simply awesome in what he writes and his generous commentsย  for all members.
And your good self Gwen are gifted at making me feel ten feet tall with your kind comments and not forgetting gifted at not only in writing shining poetry but if memory serves me right art sketches too, that accompanied a poem or two of yours.
The best of both worlds and kudos to you for sharing both gifts.
And speaking of both worlds this was written as a step stone to Archangel Trilogy final third part, Armageddon. Which'll arrive at a later date.
Right, time to visit your poems and your second poem Vanity awaits me.
Thanks Gwen for all your comments and moral support and it is appreciated by this humbled poet.โค๏ธ


Shaun you are always so heartfelt with your words towards others. Many thanks for always being so very kind. I look forward to your narration of Armageddon my friend. I expect it will be as chilling and gripping a read as this super write ย :)ย 

Shaun Cronick

Gwen many thanks and you can bet Lucifer's (the clock is ticking) life on it!๐Ÿ‘Œ

Pratibha Savani

Shaun...I need to read this when I have time cos it already looks epic!! Will comment soon xxx

Shaun Cronick

No rush Pratibha in your own good time, it isn't going to melt...

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