sexual assault

here is a Rape poem
see you might think
“Oh god heres another one, feminazi, help me that boy touched me funny.”
Another pathetic cry for help
Its a me too going through your head
before you even have to read the words flowing through almost every womens head
Because it seems impossible to find a women who genuinely can’t say
Me too
Now if people listened to our words this won’t have to be said all over again
Maybe if you listened to our words you’d understand
No means no
I don’t know, means no
If they don’t say anything, that means no
If they cry that means no
The only time yes means yes
Is when it comes out my mouth
Boys will be boys
Don’t have your boobs showing
You’re just asking for it
i put on those skinny jeans on for me
Not so i can be stared at like a piece of meat in the deli
Not so you can sneak a touch
Saying the way you dress is showing how much you want it
Last time I checked my clothes did not speak for me
Because when I want salt with my food at the dinner table
I don’t run up stairs and put on my ‘pass me the salt outfit’
I use my voice
I ask
When I want it I will let you know
When I want it isn’t a choice you get to make
Now your boyfriend and you are alone in your room
You are kissing and he pushes it past the point of comfort
You are flipped
Just like what your mind did in that moment
Now you didn’t say stop so its not rape
You weren’t drunk
Its not rape
You didn’t ask
You sat in silence
Paralyzed with fear
Wait till its over
Its your fault
You didn’t say no.
Say you’re at a party
You’re on the grown
Intoxicated past the point of control
He comes up to you
Touches you
He kisses you
Now you didn’t ask for him to touch you
You didn’t ask for his mouth on yours
But you didn’t say no
You didn’t ask him to take you into the bush
People saw you leave with him
Knowing you were not in your state of mind
But they turn their back to continue drinking and putting on a fake face for people they aren’t even friends with
He is touching you
All over
You are shaking
Mind blank
To scare to move
But you didn’t say no
He pushes you down so you can show him what your mouth can do
But one thing your mouth can’t do is say no
So its not rape
Now you walk out of the forest alone tears on your face
A boy
A friend
He sees you
He confronts you
But you can’t speak
You can’t even process what happened
This person who you thought was a friend starts touching and kissing you too
But you say no this time
As he pulls on your arm
Only to try and pull you back into the forest
Why is it when I don’t say no
And I don’t ask for it
sexual assault still happens
Why is it when I say no
It still happens
Its just another rape poem
But maybe there won’t have to be so many if you could listen
But you couldn’t even listen when I said no
Because what might seem like a good night
To her its a violation of her human rights
A violation of her power to chose
a violation of her body
For something that seemed like a good night
Might cause her to sweat and cry and night
No control
Just because her eyes lingered on you a second to long
Now don’t call me sensitive
Because unless you can say the words
Me too
You’ll never know the pain
Women can’t leave their house with out being scared
What if it happens again
What if the next cat call I get will be the next attack
At a young age girls are warned what men have done
Don’t stay out to late
Go home its dark
We avoid the streets and the absents of the sun like it poison
I was 10 years old when I became aware
I walk down the streets
Keys in my knuckles
Head phones out
speed dial ready to call for help
But what if I say no?
Will someone listen
Then why won’t these teenage boys listen to these stories
If they can’t even understand the word no
Talk about it
Dont ignore
The fact that every two minutes someone else gets raped
Maybe they would listen if it was their mother or sister
If we talk about it and listen people might finally understand
Clothes can’t speak
My mouth does
My body is not yours to peep and objectify
The amount of alcohol I have never determines when you’ve gone to far
If you don’t hear me say yes
You’ve gone to far
Because imagine your mother is attacked and raped
But it gets swept under the rug once you speak up
Darling you didn’t say no
You just cried
Why didn’t you fight back?
Because I am now
I can say me too
Just like millions of women
And just like millions I can say yes
But if you opened your fucking ears you’d understand
No means no
And silence does not mean yes.

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This is beautiful. I mean honestly. I don't comment very often because I never know what to say, but this was amazing. Ji copied the link and sent it to a group chat of like a hundred people. Again this is amazing. Thank you so much beautiful
thank you so much. i’ve always liked writing but never shared. means a lot to me. thank you so much.
I like it, it is empowering for women, although I still wouldn't by my own doing get drunk nor wear exposing flesh clothes, as I don't trust others, particularly abroad..