
Alien lizard people, with your space craft so fair!
Alien lizard people, come to earth, you dare?!
We will not buy from your fruit stand of grog!
You conquer lands so well; in the pea soup fog!
Why do you speak to us with a forked tongue?
Why do you hang some days from a ladder rung?
Where did you come from in your tea cup craft?
Why do you ford our rivers on a leaking raft?
Your scaly skin glistens in the noon day sun,
It is your dead bug breath; that makes us want to run!
I would shake hands; but you keep eating my friends!
If we don't assimilate; you'll dry bodies in the winds!
Think I got the message; when you crushed that last city!
You hate the human race; and you'll have no pity!

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Wow JIM!!....I guess you've seen the "Sixty Minutes" episode where they now have proof of the existence of UFO's and of ALIENS!!...I hear that the President will be addressing the nation about it some time soon!!.....GREAT sonnet dear poet brother.......thanx for making me smile!!......ALL STARS & PINNED!!.......well done!!.......LOVE & ROCKETS!!.......T xo : )
glad you got a smile Tony! fun stuff! thank you! no I haven't seen it but I will look for it!
Lol Jim...enjoyed and brought a smile! Of course aliens exist...but I rather like them and hold them in more esteem that the human race lol ...hugs x
glad you got a smile Marion! thank you!
thank you bunches Hj!
thank you for the support Greg!
Sounds like a full out war Jim..
Count me in.
but someone has to teach me how to shoot.
thank you Mr. Barker! that's funny!
I think you're right Baker Street! I think they are symbolic for some creatures masked as human all around! thank you!
I always get a chuckle about those who want to meet aliens.
We can’t get along with ourselves what makes anyone think
humans could get along with them. Nice work.
I agree JP! thank you! I was actually symbolizing some attitudes on!
This is a wonderful poem with so many layers, very different and really funny. Totally love it.
Thanks for sharing x
thank you bunches Sarfraz! glad you enjoyed! and thanks for the follow!
Nice Jim. Yeah the president will tell us soon once he remembers
thanks Greg T!
A fantastic imaginative poem on aliens in superb rhyming wow. Sci fi touches wow. Kudos!
Plz do read and comment my newest poem too.
thank you! okay!
Hi, Jim, first of all I must have accidentally unfollowed you😱 my apologies for that. Like this poem for the feeling you get: we will not go down without a fight, we will not go blindly into the night (President's speech in Independence day). I always want to go into the fray with my colors flying and guns ablaze (yet never do, war ain't good for nothing)
thank you John!
War of the world's.
That is plausible that they emerge.
Like the horrors of old it takes generations to see the true face of the microscopic.
now your scaring me Liliana! lol! thanks!
Nicely written Jim and well written and imagineered fun write with a little something also added to make one think at that, after reading.
And you beat me to it on recent events with its piece-meal partial disclosure not full disclosure on the subject.
It was called Greta Thunberg's Lawn and first contact, maybe another time.
Enjoyed reading your poem my friend and full honours to you.
And watch the skies!
always watching Shaun!lol! thank you!
Jim, Spielberg's first movie made as a kid with a camera was called that.
that is funny! I just saw that pic and named it, and then wrote the poem for fun!
Apologies Jim I meant Watch The Skies. Oops!
this must be one of the very best rhyming alien poems in the whole uni verse Jim, but not as we know it :)