Beware! Beware! The Red Ballet Shoes!

Beware! Beware! The red ballet shoes!
A cursed gift you should always refuse!
For fame and fortune comes with such a high price,
With these red ballet shoes that so tempt and entice.
So beautifully seductive that none have ever refused,
For no mortal woman can resist the lure of these shoes...
Beware! Beware! The red ballet shoes!
A cursed gift you should always refuse!
A voice of one and many fills your head,
So cold and haunting and full of dread.
A mere trick of the wind you quickly assume,
As you gaze at the parcel that is your doom...
You quickly unwrap your mysterious posted surprise,
Beautiful red ballet shoes that hold a grisly demise.
You breathlessly gasp staring at them ethereally entranced,
These red ballet shoes are so fine, new and made to dance.
Spellbound you hold them closer and find a note inside,
Which you then read aloud and become so mystified.
These red ballet shoes will take you afar,
And you will become Ballet's brightest star.
Great love and vast fortune will come your way,
But wear at your peril, for there's a price to pay.
This warning and shoes either refuse or abide,
A simple plain choice that is for you to decide...
The note ignored you slip them on and they fit like a glove,
Oh! These red ballet shoes are both bewitching and snug.
And within a year you've become Ballet's greatest star,
For the red ballet shoes have taken you wide and afar.
More famous and loved than Pavlova, Shearer and Fonteyn,
And now these red ballet shoes call for you to be slain...
You sleep like a princess, at peace and completely alone,
To awake screaming, experiencing true horror now shown.
The red ballet shoes are now back frightfully on your feet,
Tying themselves excruciating tight your blood does excrete.
Your sobbing and cries can't be heard as you're guided along,
You fight you struggle but these evil red shoes are too strong,
And the high cruel rooftop beckons for your dying swan song.
A running start and then a leap and endless tears as you fall,
Your once beautiful body so tattered and torn a sight to appall...
Now dying you realize that distant faint voice at the start of it all
Were the ghosts of previous owner's whispering warning call...
Beware! Beware! The red ballet shoes!
A cursed gift you should always refuse!
Inspired by The Red Shoes 1948 movie starring
the beautiful and beguiling Moira Shearer.
And the beautiful and also beguiling Kate Bush
for her 1993 album The Red Shoes.

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Shaun I feel like I got a treat tonight. I love the story of the red shoes. The classic and especially Kate Bush. I owned that one once and watched it a lot. “It’s the red shoes, they keep on dancing “ :) love Kate bush. Loved loved reading this !
that is so true and so well described. Wonderful poetry 💛 So very enjoyable 😊 Thank you
Awesome and such a solid write. Inspiring poetry Shaun!
Max you honour me again sir and it's always good to hear from you and just a heads up on that poem Achtung! Destroyer! is nearly there for you, just dotting those i's and crossing the t's so pretty soon my friend and I'll PM you just before upping and polishing another WW2 one called The Perfect Ambush which'll go up before the other .
Glad you enjoyed it and this is the last ever version of it.
Max and thank you for making me feel so welcome when I first arrived here and for backing my poetry corner.
And never forgotten.
Your friend Shaun
Wow, I can`t wait for your new writes! Always happy to polish/have a look at anything too if you want to send it my way! Also no problem Shaun, you are an awesome poet, with a unique style and general knowledge! I`m learning a great deal by reading your work. So, thank YOU, my friend!
Gwendoline you are a real star for your kind and generous comments.❤️
And it a real feel good factor I'm feeling right now, that a poetic kindred spirit knows about the incredible Kate Bush and you had a copy of her brilliant Red Shoes album!!
I'm really buzzing!!!😂
I wish you well my most gracious poetic penpal and glad you enjoyed it and this is one I have forever rewritten and this is the last one, you know when you want to give something you appreciate and respect for years the full poetic honour it so deserves. So this it.
Hang in there and you mention Kate Bush, one of my favourite female songwriter well your song/poem Sing is one to really behold and take in.
A superb song write that really delivers.🙂
Thanks again Gwendoline and comments like yours make this beautiful blue planet go round.
OMG n u say I am a poet lol huh U r totally awesome my catchupkid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I anfab love thisun ❤️❤️💙❤️❤️
Jill! Glad you of all people and poets enjoyed reading it and for your most generous comments.❤️⭐️
And if you haven't seen the movie or listened to Kate's cd, beg, borrow or steal a copy for you won't be disappointed. Both are magical and each is easy on the eye and ear. Bloody timeless stuff.
Thanks again and Mr Sandman is calling the Catch Up Kid and the late reply master, but back tomorrow night and as I said to Max about him backing my poetry corner the same is to be bestowed on you good Jill and is never forgotten either.❤️
I wish you well, my poetic penfriend.
Awwww nighty nights n sweetest of dancing dreams to you Catchup kid 🧚♀️⭐️💙❤️💕
Shaun i love that movie red shoes
i watch it 3 time now and would watch it agin
and wonderful poem!!!!!!
Greg thanks man for your superb comments and I know what you mean there is something sublime when watching it, a true classic filled with magic and striking vivid colours.
And it never grows old, simply timeless.