Biblical Women

Eve begat Cain and Abel to begin a murder,
which was beyond power and nothing to do with her;
they sent Naolmi to me but I was in the future,
I returned her to the past where she belonged forever.
Jezebel was used to many men and women too,
you could see her picture thro' shades of green and indigo;
Ruth wore a red dress with combs in her long hair,
when a zephyr breeze came, then you knew it was her.
Esther travelled Canaan looking for the promised land,
negotiated high waters with the chosen people's hand;
Mary Magdalene cowled her head struggling thro' the heat,
it was predestined she should be there and wash his feet.
Delilah and Sheba watched giant columns pushed apart,
future empires would collapse, wishing to return to start.

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