Poem -

Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers, the mild and meek, the go-in-betweener’s as scorned tongues speak..they are forever putting up with problems and prattles, trying to sort out one another’s battles..

And they are damned if they don’t but damned if the do, stuck amidst an awful hullabaloo..yet a mediator keeps his cool he is not easily intimidated within the squabbler’s dual..but they are constantly caught up in the crossfire stuck right in the middle, listening to loud altercations playing second fiddle...

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The fish of the sea

Awww such wordplay Jill! I also totally agree with your point without those people who make compromises we would never get anywhere. Besides,imagine if we all had our own ideas and beliefs but never tried to come to terms with others.... what a horrible reality that would be. I really liked your clever poem, Jill. Amazing write. All the Best. The Fish of the Sea.

Jill Tait

Awww Thank you my lovely little fish swimming so free in that great big beautiful, blue sea!!! ???

Jill Tait

Thank you my poetic friend ❤️?❤️

Jill Tait

Awww yes he sounds nice person but gets stress xxxx

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