Politicians kill more people per year than opiates, alcohol, malaria and great white sharks combined .. there's not a single one I would trust either side of the pond .. Neville
if one's life depended on it, one might well be forced to accept the lesser of available evils .. it don't mean one has to either like or trust them ..
Wives aren't needy.
people are needy.
Guns don't kill people.
People kill people.
Hello Rory...
He makes it sound like he has his hands more full than a single parent or any working person with a family...
That doesn't even talk about any financial differences...
He makes it sound like only he has obligations and a job...
I would have to let him get some rest not make him a Mayor...
Sometimes, you have to send the whine to bed...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
Politicians kill more people per year than opiates, alcohol, malaria and great white sharks combined .. there's not a single one I would trust either side of the pond .. Neville
Except the lesser of the evil. Because you have to
if one's life depended on it, one might well be forced to accept the lesser of available evils .. it don't mean one has to either like or trust them ..
Hello Neville...
The Greatest show on Earth is watching God work...
People make choices...
Like Rory said choose the lesser evil...
Some people have to lie , cheat, and steal for a win...
Time says a lot...
Sometimes, when we just sit and listen...
Truth wins...
It doesn't hurt to stir the pot...
Not in the literal sense but, in the spiritual...
Always add Holy Ghost sprinkle...
Like anything cooking on low you have to stir it several times a day...
A few seconds each time is all you really need...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
Hello Nev...
Shouldn't we hope they can be trusted?
There's so many with blood on their hands...
It doesn't just start and end with the so called Politicians but, the voters have responsibilities in it too...
The Judging in these cases should be left to the the one who blesses or curses...
Thank you again...