I'm really enjoying your haiku, I'm very curious as to what the inspiration was. Write me back when you get the chance, and if you'd like to check out some of my poetry I would much appreciate it, i hope your having a wonderful day and good night.
Being a Poet what had inspired me to write this Haiku, is because of my wife, When She asked me in a lovely night to write a poem on her, I simply wrote it on her breasts with my own lips. I wish to check out and comment on your Haiku poems if you wish to do so. Thanks for your comments, Regards & Love
I'm really enjoying your haiku, I'm very curious as to what the inspiration was. Write me back when you get the chance, and if you'd like to check out some of my poetry I would much appreciate it, i hope your having a wonderful day and good night.
israel orstrom,
Being a Poet what had inspired me to write this Haiku, is because of my wife, When She asked me in a lovely night to write a poem on her, I simply wrote it on her breasts with my own lips. I wish to check out and comment on your Haiku poems if you wish to do so. Thanks for your comments, Regards & Love