
To be judged by your inferiors is difficult
To know that their intellect is lacking -yet others equally lacking don’t see this.
To have within you the knowledge that you are actually accomplished,
A professional, even a name of note… yet never say a word
for fear of favour…..recognition…
You see others, weak, unskilled, untalented,
believing they are gifted…….
Yet clearly this is not so.
If they were, then they would recognise real brilliance,
real talent, real worth….. real YOU.
You keep your true self, hidden - how foolish they will look
when the great reveal occurs!!.
For them to confront how poor their judgement really was…
so full of misguided self pride and blustering .
The fearful ones, like deities, dispense their watery praise
with false modesty and condescension oozing….
Others received these gilded words like thirsty travellers
at a disused well, dehydrated to the point of madness…
So grateful for crumbs of approbation from
self aggrandised gurus sitting on their fantasy thrones.
I smile within, knowing their game…
I have seen and played it but with higher and better stakes.
They don’t know mine yet…
It’s still within me, who will discover it?
Who will recognise it?
Who will admit it?
I have time… so much time…..
it’s a test…who will pass?..who will fail?
I’m waiting…………..
One day…….one day……… day…

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I am not perfect, but I am excellent! My boss hated when I said that. Good for you! JCG
No one wants perfection...excellence is infinitely preferable James- and long may you keep hollering it from the rooftops!! I'm with you all the way ! xxx
lodigiana you've said a mouthful with this beautifully worded proclamation, though I'm sensing a bit of frustration as well, in the midst of it.... but nonetheless, anyone who can write at this level of excellence has already achieved, and to be honest, not many can appreciate the things they don't recognize....truly, this is a wonderful poem to read, so I'm glad I've found it today, cheers poet
Hello again my friend!! Oh you sensed the frustration !!! I am smiling's a bit like a furnace within that need stoking up occassional otherwise it just burns down to embers..but piece said, another log on to burn and back on track..I am loving the fact that you can so easily pick up exactly what I am wanting to express and I thank you for taking the time to comment on it..really appreciated !
Lodigiana xx
Hey LODIGIANA!!....a most insightful write!..... much of which seems to concern itself with originality and the recognition of uniqueness......I must agree with Chris here ~ " ..a beautifully worded proclamation." of my favorite quotes seems to apply here as well ~ " Life is an image of time, time is a state of mind, the mind is a gift of God, provided to seek and understand, it's the uniqueness of man!" In the midst of this grand ballet we call life, the poet stands alone, isolated among his contemporaries, by truth and by his art, but with this consolation in his pursuits. That his originality in presenting the uniqueness of man and his universe be recognized as such and by ALL who seek. It is a most noble pursuit. And indeed a pleasure reading your words dear poet.......ALL STARS!!.....well done LODIGIANA!!.....LOVE and ROCKETS!!.....T xo ?☀✴✳
Dear Tony, I love your quote!! Sometimes we need to be reminded of the wonderfully unique concept and reality that man is!! As poets I hope we try to express that 'miracle of man' in as comprehensible way as possible..But with the fallibility of Man we recognise that we sometimes struggle to get this truth of course my friend...NEVER have that problem!!!! Thank you for your thoughtful words dear man xxx
Lodigiana xx