Poem -

Fate and what we thought we kind of knew it

Fate and what we thought we kind of knew it


Fate and what we thought we kind of knew of it 


Fate and what we thought we kind of knew of it,

Changed for us all,

This time last year.

Don’t ask what I’m on about as it’s obvious,

The start Of the coronavirus era!

Hopefully a reign that’s nearing it's end,

It’s demise.

An extremely out of control catastrophe,

Causing fate,

For so many on earth,

To throw a spanner in the works,

For a fate that has befallen our planet,

we thought we'd never see,

Especially before our eyes worldwide! 

Once we get through this,

As I’m sure we will,

Although we are fighting,

A bit on the chemical warfare side



But did u ever expect this fate that is a worldwide one.

One we all share?

Whether we did or not,

It’s been amazing though,

From the help of different charities,

Bringing out of the woodwork,

So many that care.

Masks on all day long,

To help others in their communities,

Even beyond.

 Not to mention the NHS,

And all the hard work on the frontline

They’ve all done....

I just wish it would die,

This awful disease.

Take to the skies,

From where hence it came from.

Far away from us all,

Even our universe.

I just hope that the flow continues away from us,

As the Vaccination is dispersed.


I feel like a cat,

not with 9,

But neigh on infinite lives.

Just tip toeing in life right now,

 around this virus ridden world,

With my immune system the way it is,

How am I dancing still in the virus rain?

How is it i catch everything else,



Either of the coronavirus strains.

I'm thankful that it’s stayed off my fates path,

Seemingly back on fates same track.

I’m for once glad,

My path has taken me back.,

Although it is a rough and beaten track.

Bumps all along the way,

I’ll love forever,

Following fate this day...

I’ve just got to carry on doing as I do,

Not listening to most of what the drs say!


So fate for everyone is up in the air at the moment,

I can’t wait for our normal fate to resume.

That’ll only happen, 

Once the virus stops it's bloom.

Surely it’s not far off,

Hopefully it will be soon.

Can’t they send it to space in a rocket,

And give it a super Sonic boom!



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