I see not through, the pain of truth
God does such doom forbid
And in my despair, I find comfort there
Knowing the good works I did
So in my race, for my Father's grace
Where I longed to bask forever
I was torn asunder, raped and plundered
And left to die in fields of heather....
Where a crime it is, to pray for bliss
No one can live in hell
When pills cannot help, and doctor's can't tell
Where, in your mind you dwell
Then all friends pleas, do judge with such ease
Through where-fore's and whatever's
Those vain hopes dropped, all bullshit stopped
And my loneliness grew in fields of heather....
I may never reply, were lips to deny
Or feed into my surrender
For I shall fight, with all my heart despite
Screams, or comforts sweater
And yet to compare, my sins with theirs
I know that I'm no better
And so each night I cry, and ever I try
For happiness in fields of heather....
Tony Taylor (Chicago)

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Hi Tony Taylor,
This is a true depiction of pain in life, my love, my applause, my five stars
Love & hugs
Mr. M!!.........how you amaze me with your ability to pick out my favorite lines........my thanks for this brother.........hope all is well with you............smiles...........T xo
Hi Tony! As I read this it broke my heart and I could feel the despair and strength in your words. Please know you are never alone. It has been a while since I have been able to come on here for more than a few minutes and your words really got to me.
I am going to read more as soon as I can. You are in my prayers every night. Love ya!
Val ♥️
I miss you VAL!!.........hope we can talk soon..........hope all is well in your world my friend.........thanx for the kind words girlfriend..........hugs-n-smiles.........T xo
Hey T!!! Wow you are such a talented poet my friend, your poetry completely amazes me nearly everytime..... I love these lines
Because I can literally feel the fight of which you mention. You are a strong person and it shows through your poetry alone. Once again you receive my applause my friend and 5 star vote. Don't quit writing.... EVER!!!! :) xox
Melissa <3
Wow Melissa!!........you are quickly becoming one of my favorite surprises........your words are so VERY encouraging...........and your comments so very well delivered..........much appreciated my friend........truly............hugs-n-smiles.............T xo
Superb writing T, such great honesty and poetic grace, inspiring words....you write with strenght and integrity, quality work all the way....impossible not to love a poem this poem, thank you for posting this;
'And so each night I cry, and ever I try
For happiness in fields of heather....'
Chris!!........always a pleasure bro!!............you're doing an awesome job as AOM man!!.........hugs-n-kisses..........T xo
Simply brilliant, no words just tears, and way to much thought to express, what an amazing piece right here, its going straight on my Facebook page, and anywhere i can put it, just awesome beyond words', ~ wipes the tear's that still are falling, you beautiful heart bro, your beautiful heart. Xoxo
Tony Love's You!!..........I don't know how to respond to this.......wish I were there to give you a hug so you could feel my response to this............kisses...........T xo
I read it out loud to my mum, she had the Same reactions as me , tears and speechless
~ you know I'm so proud of you right, the way you connect with the innermost tony is beyond amazing to me, you've gone up and over the literature hill to the land of soul, it's writing itself now you are advancing every time you place the ink upon the pages bro, I'm sending you the hugest hug across the sea, love you, you know that right xoxo
Nardine!!....just the fact that your read this aloud makes me SMILE and feel the kind of happy contentedness that ONLY a poet, songwriter, or playwright could understand.........much Love to you sweetheart.........love and kisses..........tony xo
This poem is amazing! One of my favorite reads so far on here, thank you for a non wasted experience, T.
Wow!!....didn't think I'd ever here from Caitlin Lawyer!!.........thank you so MUCH........for taking time with this.........and the inspiring comment friend............I've read some of your stuff.......and I'm so glad that you're a part of this WAY cool community..........hugs-n-smiles...........T xo
just wanted to say Cherie and others..........would love to see more of you here........smiles......T xo
One big Cosmo funnel family, without you all,
I'd be lesser enriched by heart and soul,
proud of you, each one and all xoxo
you're like........the coolest person........ever..........kisses.....T xo