Fine Print of Life

That stupid painting wouldn't lie straight.
I could twist it and rotate it but it wouldn't lie
In such a way -that would please the eye
Alas, it would stay in that lopsided state.
Every day, I would walk past the painting sitting askew.
It was a beautiful painting with colour and life
But no matter what-it caused me great strife
A silly little detail that always ruined my view.
When noticing my distress my mother did say:
âWhy poppet, does the painting bother you so
It is yours- you own it donât you know
If it causes such irritation put it away.
She never understood why I let the small detail get to me,
Iâm not sure if I ever truly knew myself
I lost a lot of sleep over its slant-it cost me my health
Why do humans do this, find fault in everything we see?
The painting-a Gustav Klimt was of flowers and grass,
I canât recall much about what it meant
If it really had a purpose- if it was money well spent
The frame? It was copper, oak or maybe even brass?
Can the beauty of a painting, a drawing, of art,
Really be overshadowed by the way it hangs on a wall
Eventually I sold the painting-after 6 months I recall
Overthinking became an overthought, but that imbalanced painting and I will never truly part.

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