Such is, this ever changing world we live in
I find the emotion of anger at times rising
I wish I could just not care but that s not me
so I shall share my opinions of what irks, openly
I want to write, about matters that disturb
politics, Ecology the attrocities of wars things that perturb
I don t like to feel this anger I need to set it free
there s a need to write it out in verse, in my poetry
To give my view could maybe alter, a perception or bad choice
I don t want to offend just give an alternative, with my voice
Freedom of speech is an attribute we all can use
just to make our feelings known. but not to abuse
I feel strongly about the miss doings the sadness, that does occur
in this our world that is falling apart,with not much harmony for sure
I know I cant try to make changes alone, but there is strength in numbers
let us together give our fervent views always, dear poet sisters and brothers
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wondrous ink debs!
xx lisa
Hi Lisa Thanks so much for stopping by
glad you liked
Best wishes Debs x
Hear! Hear!
Of course it's easier said than done, Debs. It isn't so much the fear of offending others that stifles free speech; actually, that part can be kinda fun!! It's the fear of retribution: both blatant and subtle.
It takes considerable courage to stand up and say something when you know it's not going to be popular and that there are many powerful people who would prefer you to sit down and be quiet. Courage...and a little bit of insanity; most poets have those ingredients somewhere in them!!
Well done , courageous, mad poet, you!!!
J ;)
Hi J Thanks so much for stopping by, I agree
with you easily said than done. I would not want to offend
or hurt anyone willfully with my views
I think this came about by an article I read on
a survey here in a Wales about Donald Trump whether it was any of our
business what he does, or what goes on in America and why
all the marches across Britain because of his decisions.
People were saying America does nt affect us
well of course to my mind his decisions impact on the whole world
America being one of the super powers, I did write on the article
I did see some change of hearts :-) so I was happy
Thank you again for your comments
Best wishes Debs :-)
Hi Debs, I missed this one before but thumbs up for this write, it shows how we can put forward a point of view but also with consideration for the feelings of others without compromising your point of view. A diplomatic approach, well done.
Hi BydOnz Yes exactly what my poem is saying
Thank you for your comments and support
Best wishes Debs
Truly significant work clearly showing how you get a message across with poetry.
Great work.
Wishing you the very best ! :)
Hi Richard Yes we can only but try to show
our opinions without hurting anyone of things that go on in this world
that do not sit well
Thank you for your kind comments and support
Best wishes Debs x
Thank you for sharing your voice.
Best wishes to you ! x
Hi Dear Debs,
Words beautifully and freely spoken. We appreciate your gift of this credo for humanity.
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Hi Larry Thank you for your support and kind words
always appreciated
Love n hugs Debs xox
Hi Deborah,
My favorite two lines,...
"I do not like to feel this anger I need to set it free...
There is a need to write it out in verse ,in my Poetry"
Well writen about a subject many of us can relate to.
Your new follower and fan,
Hi Quixotic So glad you enjoyed and can relate to this piece
Thank you for your kind comments
Best wishes to you Debs