A beautiful panorama infront of him, explodes
stars twinkle,stars shoot,the greatest show unfolds
He stands in the forefront, feeling humble at the sight
Look! look! at the beauty of nature on a cold snowy night
He understands Aurora Borealis, and why it occurs
but his scientific,geographical mind goes in to reverse
Could it be that god has a hand,in this magnificent creation
his mind is torn in two,his beliefs have always been of evolution
He has traveled, this man, my son, experienced so much
but aurora is something he`ll not forget, his heart it touched
The greatest show on earth,of lights with greenish hues
is it really the sun its gasses?or is it Gods hand..You choose
The picture is of my son Aaron on his 30th Birthday 11th February in Tromso Norway
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I'd love to see the Aurora Borealis up close and personal. Great write - Syd
Hi Syd I`d love to see it too.I just loved this picture out of many
my son sent me and had to write about it
Thank you for reading and your kind comments
Best wishes Debs
Wonderful imagery
Hi John Thank you for stopping by
and leaving your kind comments
Best Wishes Debs
Beautiful write, it is always a pleasure to read gifted poets
Hi Lisa Thanks so much for stopping by
I need to have a catch up on your awesome work
Best Wishes Debs xx
Hi Cherie my dear friend ... the picture was so beautiful and
full of wonder i had to write about it.. my son is lucky
he was in Canada in January too which he thought beautiful too
Something so beautiful as this i believe too that God is involved.
Happy Valentines to you and Tony I hope you both had a lovey
day/night.. Got to love,love!
Love n Hugs to you both.Debs xox
Besides, seeing, the lights, you have to know when the lights are on you. For, others to see your worth. Here, you shine, in the glare of popular appeal. Giving it, your all. With, confidence, and pride in what you can do. The nature of the effect beggars belief, as you journey into the limelight, with no trouble, displaying your talent, so readily. To, a " captive " audience. With you, all the way. As, you share the Glory, and the story, of living wonders. Created, for us, by " The Big Bang " and evolutionary Darwinian counter-balances, to the unworkable. Or, that, which can not sustain, due to a pre-condition, deciding fate, faith, and fortune, as parameters of graded accountability. To, the " habitat " or " environment " selected, for analysis. At, the appropriate juncture, in time, and in appreciation of what space shall deliver. Because, of all the " factors " involved. There, and then. Extinction Level Events, not deliberated, not too seriously, due to the horror of, THE END.
LIGHT, IT, UP AGAIN. Why don't you ?
Sorry. " TAKEN " not too seriously. Better ? Surely ?
Removing the " not " probably more understandable. If, push, comes to shove !! :) :) :) You, know so ? ! :) :)