How many have flip flopped too?
Some claim she's good for the working class...
Most of those have their own security...
When the last time they went into a Grocery Store?
Pumped and paid for their gas?
They know how to live on minimum wage?
How many are on Medicare/Medicaid?
How many live Social Security Check to Social Security Check?
How many Celebrities need food stamps?
How many actually live pay check to pay check on a Working person wage?
​​​​​​Money Trails are being followed...
Where it stops maybe one day we will know...
I wonder if they've checked their own ratings lately...
In the Tags here Wealthy and Rich is not on the list...
Imagine that?

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Very well written and poignant, Sparrowsong, it's a sad state of affairs here.Â
Hello Matthew...
​​​Not only does she act as if she's not in the White House already...
Has been in there and she's not part of the Biden/Harris administration...
No matter how stupid they try to make us...
They have underestimated those who hasn't fallen for it...
The rest of them...
That's their Team...
We are in very sad state of affairs...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
Nothing like an election to bring the celebs out! They love an election x
I am horrified by the shallowness of some people and the devotion some others have for liars and narcissists .. I take your point tho'Â
Hi Sparrowsong !Super well written. Of course she doesn’t know the price of a loaf of bread, she doesn’t have to. Fake people just have to smile and……well, fake. Elections just around the corner. Blesssing to America. She needs it. BÂ
I fear America will fare no better than UK.Â
Somehow all the non humans have got to the top!! x
Hello Being Me...
I like when they show up too...
Their helping many to not be able to afford Tickets to their Shows...
Makes perfect sense?
It's a Win/Win for us in the long run...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
Hello Nev...
It could be worse...
At least we are sharing laughter with the World...
It helps a lot...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
Hello Bernadete...
When you have an Agenda would you care what it costs someone else if they're paying for it?
At least they laughter to the Migrants while people have to move for them...
It wouldn't make me happy but, I guess it gives them a generous feeling?
Of course, when we were a stranger on our Streets in our own Country we didn't see all their kindness and generosity...
Of course, we also weren't wanting anyone to live in the Poor House themselves...
Maybe, it was our fault...
We should have made the same demands?
Just kidding...
That would never have worked...
We would be put in Jail for a very long time...
They would say they were scared...
Now everyone took a Brave pill and has to move?
Where's the so called Equality?
Maybe, it's just not supposed to make any sense at all...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
Hello Marion...
If Germany can come to their senses after all these years...
It might take us double time obviously but, it can happen for you and for us too...
How low do we want to go?
We'll know soon enough...
Stay Tuned!
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
S x