Holocaust's Forgotten Victims

Why do we not hear about the 5 million
non-Jewish people killed in the
European genocide? I am aware of
the 6 million Jews killed.
Gays, priests, gypsies, those with mental
and physical disabilities, communists,
trade unionists, Jehovah Witnesses,
anarchists, Poles, other Slavic peoples and
resistance fighters were also killed.
Is the Jewish genocide different than other
genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries in
Bosnia, Burundi, China, Cambodia, Guatemala,
Paraguay, Rwanda, Sudan, and the
Soviet Union?
Many descendants of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob feel the Holocaust is unique from all
other genocides – but even the Holocaust is
defined as the genocide of the 11 million
Europeans by the Nazi Party.
When the Museum of Jewish Heritage in
Battery Park of NYC does not have an exhibit
or link on their web-site of where current
genocides are taking place, and how the world
community can catalyze an international response
when genocide occurs anywhere,
it troubles me.
Even Mayor Ed Koch agreed
with me in 2004 on this issue.
Does “Never Again” only refer to the
persecution and genocide of Jews, or does it
apply to all ethnicities of the human race?
I commend the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Museum in Washington D.C. for the
Simon-Skjodt Center for
the Prevention of Genocide.
Ann Frank said, “If God lets me live…
I will make my voice heard. I work in
the world for all mankind.” The Talmud
teaches, “When you save one life,
you save the world.”
I hope ALL Jewish Holocaust Museums
in the United States and around the world
follow the lead of the Washington D.C.

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Hello James...
We don't hear about a lot of things...
I believe it's their way of keeping us in the Dark and keeping us segregated without coming out and admitting it...
Wars are big business and they don't want us coming together...
That would be bad for their plans and enjoyment...
Great Awareness Write!
Thank you for sharing...
Right....divide and conquering is an easy thing to do....building and creating takes much more energy. Thanks! JCG
Yep. Yep. Absolutely right James. We all DO know the horror the Jewish people endured during the Holocaust. Yet, we never hear about the horrors in Israel/Palestine. I know - that could get me in a lot of heat so to speak. Yet - I’m just being honest. Great work James!
Thanks Michael OB!