
Pre-Covid (February, 2020)
Alarm clock, shower, donning of work clothes, commute, work
dinner, mail & emails, correct homework, Jeopardy, MsNBC, bedtime
Nookie 4 times a month &
Crazytown Trump Administration “leadership.”
I drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day
Novel Covid Virus breaks in the U.S. March of 2020.
I watch Pandemic movies Contagian, Outbreak & 12 Monkeys
hoping to gain insights to survive our Zombie apocalypse outbreak.
675,000 Americans died during the Spanish Flu of 1917 don't you know?
I teach Zoom-online classes from home until mid-June.
Lose my job the end of June.
Collect Unemployment for 14 months
Mortgage falls behind 12 months
Credit rating drops, drops, drops
Resumes and Interviews
Watching Tiger King, Lady in the Dale and Queen’s Gambit.
Stress, sadness, depression, loneliness, fear & anger.
Social distancing, masks, with no vaccine in sight.
Self-medicating with whiskey and water, rum and Pepsi &
Gain twenty pounds
Post Covid with new job September of 2021.
Alarm clock, shower, donning of work clothes, commute, work, dinner
mail & emails, correct homework, Jeopardy, MsNBC, bedtime.
Nookie 4 times a month
If Hillary had been President in 2020,
we would have avoided hundreds of thousands
of needless pandemic deaths
with competent federal coordination & leadership.
Normalcy is boring.
Boring is the “new excitement” in 2022.
Coffee is never boring
    -pre or post normal

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