Poem -

If they cant have the apples, then they take the pie

If they cant have the apples, then they take the pie

Growing up is not as easy as they make it out to be,

Opening your eyes to the immature people in your life and being able to see.

That the people you have surrounded yourself with are full drama and impurity,

You still have that second sense of insecurity. 

Building inner wall after wall to build up and take down,

Dropping those who you thought were there for you but aren't ever around.

Leaving you to be the push over friend who was always there for them,

A genuine friend is like a genuine gem.


A true friend who will be there for you when you are there for them to help you heal. 

Are you a push over after so long if you just keep giving in to them when they are not there for you?

Or are you a bad person when you walk away from that and drop those immature people from your life to stop stressing and start new?

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Melissa Caron

Well said, I too was thinking of writing something along these lines, because it is soo true!!! "If they can't have the apple's they take the pie" Everyone is always around us when they want something but yet when it comes to returning a favor with another act of kindness, they turn into sour apples and hide. So many people will "befriend" is just to see what words they can use to hurt us later on. Drama often exists more in forty year olds then fifteen year olds. True friends are almost impossible to find, so me like you definitely appreciate the true friends I am blessed with. Well done my five star vote :)


Melissa <3

Destiny Roland

Thank you very much and im learning that as i keep maturing faster then everyone else that the drama never does disappear and and some people just don't ever grow until it almost too late. thank you for the lovly comment writing this was not as easy as i had thought it would be but i think it turned out nice. 


Devon La Porte

Great write I relate so much to this for all of your reasons I do not have very many friends I gave and was never matched with that respect and once I had a wife and kids well those so called friends turned out to be strangers well done my Love and Respect.


Hello Destiny...

Great write!

Very True!

I have had my share of those types of people...

Peace is an awesome thing I found when the relationship came to a close...

Thank you for sharing...



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