Poem - 20 February 2025, 20:33 ignored again lex it’s been a long week and you still haven’t replied you’ve forgotten me Like 1 Pin it 0 Support CosmoFunnel.com You can help support the upkeep of CosmoFunnel.com via PayPal. Views: 125 Rating: Total votes: 1 Tags: Ignorance Poetry Genre: Haiku Topic: Love 1 comment
Bernie Martin21 February 2025, 06:45 Brevity certainly concentrates the mind. No wasted words and still a message is conveyed in your words. Haven't we all been there except these days you don't have to wait for a letter to arrive which would tend to make it seem a very long week. Reply
Brevity certainly concentrates the mind. No wasted words and still a message is conveyed in your words. Haven't we all been there except these days you don't have to wait for a letter to arrive which would tend to make it seem a very long week.Â