Internet duality

The greatest research tool we’ve ever had
That we know as the Internet
Corrupted and used for things like pornÂ
By pedophiles, terrorists and more.
Used by criminals to hack and steal from you
People trying to fool you
False profiles and false namesÂ
On the Web no one knows no shame.
Sad to think  that what could have been the greatest of inventions would submit
To becoming just a place for people to play games like candy crush
Hunting Pokemons all day.
As a social coming together it worked
But is populated by many jerks
Who want to troll and bully folk
Hiding behind their keyboards they evoke
Misery on their prey.
In their anonymity the play these games
Negative use of a wonderful thing
The Internet allows this in.
But it also helps those who want to makes changes
To this world through petition exchanges
Helps to garner up support
Open peoples minds up to all
the injustices and oppression in this world
Allows us to March under banners unfurled.
Using masks we can create a change
To government policies in the name
Of Anonymous and social justice claims
We can make a difference each day.
So maybe there is still something good to it
Like duality there are two sides of it
But the good side is good and filled with light
But the dark Web is blacker than the darkest nights
It lures people in so please be aware
Keep your wits about you and just be of care
That evil lurks within this thing
And can corrupt your soul it’s unforgiving.
The Internet is a universal space
Can leave you tormented or full of grace.Â

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Hi Fauxcroft.... you have expressed far more eloquently than I ever could, my exact thoughts on the Internet!! Well put together, excellent imagery, moral message.I can sense the love/ hate relationship we all have with this 'beast' 5 stars for this one..and pinned!! Loved it
Lodigiana xx
Thank you i am humbled by your kind words.
So true and cleverly written. Well done.
Thank youÂ
You have done an amazing job of intertwining both points together rather than one after the other. Really well written and I thoroughly enjoyed. 5stars.xo
Thank you so much. You are too kind. :)