Death is always wanting what it can devour...
Some people blame it on the multi billion dollar gaming industry...
Some blame it from television...
Some blame it on the news...
Some blame it on the easy access...
Some blame it on the mind...
You could be eating with family or friends...
You could be window shopping or just enjoying an outting...
You could be in your living room...
You could be playing with your children...
You could be love making...
You could be enjoying the Ocean...
You could be at Church...
How many Churches of Satan do we hear have been under attack?
It doesn't matter what your doing in many cases unless you're trying to run from or kill a Cop...
Somewhere there's a storm brewing whether it be nature or man or an incurable disease...
ββββββIt could be you're just doing something very dangerous or very dumb and some call it fun...
Death is on your heels...
Do the best you can...
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YEP!!.... even in the healthiest of human beings... death can strike you down at any moment...... God has a plan!!....... compelling stuff FEATHERS!!.......ALL STARS!!........LOVE & ROCKETS!!........T xo β€
Hello Tony...
Sometimes the Angels get involved and with many times for me something has definitely worked overtime...
Obviously, those ways for me was not part of His plan indeed...
At first I joked about it a lot that God didn't want me and the Devil was afraid I'd take over...
I'm still not convinced but, my curiosity has not got the best of me...
Thank you for your kind comment and support my friend!
Hugs and Smiles!
Love and Rockets!
Hello Tina...
All the talk of tragedy and with everything there's a starting point and no one did much to stop it...
The debate about the violence of video games and movies...
Yet, it's a huge money maker...
Sex everywhere and the hype it sells...
Yet, people complain about the senseless acts between humans...
It's always a huge deal when it happens over and over...
I know death's plan and sometimes it's successful and sometimes it's not...
I don't think about it but, some very close calls remind me and the loved ones it has taken...
But, when it comes to murder it's always big news and more and more of it...
Some do it for fame and fame they get...
Like I was saying before everything has a starting point...
When we let things get out of control we have to accept it...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
P.S. We had plenty of chances to change some things and we didn't...
This is the outcome of us doing nothing...
Hugs again...
Great poem yes death is part of life it happens every day all day long
death never takes a day off great poem
My Dear sparrowsong,
As they say, "Death and Taxes", are both unavoidable.
But I can never understand the slaughter of the innocents.
It is very "taxing" on me.
Larry xxx
Hello Sis Cherie...
Our mystery indeed...
ββββββFortunately, I never had to deal with the guilt with losing someone and I lived...
No one died on my account...
I have saved people and for that I am not guilty of not trying...
If they didn't make it it wasn't because I didn't try if I was there...
Don't mistake what I'm saying I'm not a hero I did what I had trained to do...
I figured I would never use it because I wasn't going into that line of work and there were times I was saved...
Only to find out just how valuable knowledge is...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Love n Hugs
Hello Greg...
No it sure doesn't...
There's things that we can try and fight our way out of it but, when it comes to a bullet yeah it usually overrides in
ββββunless it missed an artery or an organ...
ββββββDisease is disease...
It will or won't at that time...
So many factors and so many ways...
The murderers are just one of the proud cheaters of the world...
Thank you for your comment and support!
Hello Larry...
βββββI think if we could make any sense out of it it still wouldn't make any sense...
Why the innocent?
We can think of them on so many levels...
Babies, Children, the Elderly, The innocent people in Prison who get the Death Penalty...
People being at the right place at the wrong time...
I suppose not even a Genius knows, otherwise we'd probably be able to stop asking and wondering...
When it comes to violence...
The bad guys or the women get the fame before they die...
The innocent become famous after they die, unless of course they actually do survive...
Almost like Celebrities in a way...
We give honor more after they're gone...
Then people have many wonderful things to say for the most part...
If walls had ears at a Funeral Home, too bad sometimes they really didn't know when they were here...
I didn't know the mass murder victims until they were killed and then I only learned about there name and their age and if was at a Church well we learned some more, see?
Did you know them before?
Then it's a tragedy that we talk about for years to come...
It inspires people to give them something to write about at times...
They make movies out of this stuff...
Same as when we have hate on our heart we'll write about it and make it sound like fact...
It's what people do...
We don't need to talk about the news...
We decipher the stories they tell...
If we like it and believe it, it's not fake news...
If we don't it's fake news...
There's lots of things that even a professional doesn't understand it all...
Thank you for your comment and support!