These words were not hidden here .. But rather left to be found by those ...
If God had many Children...
Did Jesus have other Siblings?
If Jesus is our Father......
I am planting my love in a flowerpot and cultivating it with tenderness and gentle drops of...
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I am like dandelion seeds briefly drifting about and fragile as glass slippers ...
The ones who have gone before us Left! …as spirits of the past now dissipating like...
Secrets must be held in silence close to your heart...
Secrets can make holes like Swiss Cheese and...
Turning Fourteen soon...
I remember your laughter that I haven't heard since Covid...
I've been running around in circles When You wanted me to be still
You wanted my undivided...
Climbing, searching
To know You more
More of Jesus
Than I knew before
To be...
I travel to the north hemisphere To the south hemisphere I come back home, And for a moment...
I am brave, I am tough I am not supposed to cry Instead I laugh, My call...
Things are not always as it seems...
Things go in different directions...
We can close our...
It has to be built to be able to be bad?
To be able to be made to be bad...
To do bad......
What they had once is gone...
Are they the only ones who woke up and it was gone?
Could you...
Big brother is buying your Data...
Most videos are approximately an hour long...
Give or...
Today could be a day of surprises...
In my journal it's all going to go......
A compliment heard is a compliment that should be shared...
Here's looking at you!
It took...