Poem -

It Knows What Scares You

It Knows What Scares You

It dwells in me,
This endless hate.
No human morals,
My mind does debate.

My identity hidden,
Until Halloween night.
Clues I will drop,
With cunning delight.

But beware my lies,
Strewn among truth.
Then scream my name,
From what you sleuth.

I'll make half-promises,
That I might keep.
I'll reveal my name,
Afore your final sleep.

At the very end,
It will be presented.
Then all are damned,
And slowly tormented.

I sometimes sleep,
But not for long.
When I awake,
You'll soon be gone.

Soon I will rise,
Then never tire.
Your grisly demise,
My wanton desire.

Your hide is mine,
And your heart too.
Of who I am,
You have no clue.

Now I've arisen,
So hungrily awoken.
Endure my wrath,
I've spat and spoken!

Teasing midnight tapping,
On your bedroom window.
Pausing for a moment,
Then to cruelly continue.

That scratching noise,
Inside your wardrobe.
Your fear runs rampant,
As I begin to probe.

That moving shadow,
On your bedroom floor.
All these things,
I inhumanly adore.

Such satisfaction,
Such gloated glee.
These grotesque things,
Are simply me.

That constant chill,
Cutting to your bone.
Is the arrival of me,
When you're all alone.

Those ice-cold shivers,
Running down your spine.
Are a taste of me,
But on you I'll dine.

I fondly feast,
On your fresh fears.
Then greedily guzzle,
Your endless tears.

I enrich pitiful cries,
Enhance all screams.
I hideously interrupt,
Countless sweet dreams.

Nothing can save you,
No feeble Lord's Prayer,
For I will drown you,
In dark depths of despair.

So many innocents,
To pick and choose.
They are so young,
How can I lose.

The purest evil,
I'm forged from.
My depths of depravity,
All shall succumb.

No remorse or mercy,
Is found in me.
During my relentless,
Frenzied killing spree.

My hunt now begins,
I'm a fiendish creature.
All victims devoured,
My grisliest feature.

The joy of my hunt,
All are my prey.
I'll never stop,
Each night or day.

I can easily be,
A headless torso.
As rivers of blood,
So endlessly flow.

Vile ghoul's galore,
To haunt everyone.
I'm just starting,
Having my fun.

All are cattle,
Prime cuts indeed.
This town has plenty,
On which I feed.

I am what I am,
All I'll ever be.
A hatred for humanity,
Rages within me.

Perhaps another name,
I might possess.
Any who speak of it,
I kill or oppress.

Rich pickings galore,
I'm spoilt for choice.
A process of elimination,
In which I rejoice.

This sleepy town,
So safe and snug.
Is in for a shock,
As I pull its plug.

A heavenly abode
Where innocent's dwell.
Will now become,
Its living hell.

My constant hunger,
Will never be sated.
My endless horror show,
Now painfully presented.

Don't dare forget!
My name to guess.
Cast among carrion,
To cause distress.

And now my tale,
Is to be told.
To scream aloud,
By young and old.

I bathe in blood,
So deep and flowing.
Your endless suffering,
I enjoy bestowing.

From hell I came,
Or a profane place.
Beware my lies,
I whisper to your face.

Now a change of pace,
So short and sweet.
Of what I do,
To those I meet.

I cut,
I splice.
Your simply mine,
At any price.

I bite,
I burn.
Within my clutches,
You'll never return.

I tease,
I toy.
All your fears,
I simply enjoy.

I rip,
I kill.
One of a kind,
With a demonic skill.

I rage,
I tear..
Then take all back,
To my dark lair.

My work is endless,
So much to do
To dine so fine,
Always on you.

My wrath is hellish,
It lives forever.
For I am so sly,
And insidiously clever.

Am I an angel,
One fallen so deep.
Beyond heaven's grace,
As I begin to reap.

I'm the prince of lies,
The king of deceit.
None ever escape me,
I'm the cruellest cheat.

No little Bram,
Or common Stoker.
Escape their demise,
By a killing joker.

No sweet little Anne,
With her mothers Rice.
Her dolly's tea party,
Didn't end so nice.

No small Stephen,
Nor mighty King.
Escape my anger,
Decimating everything.

No innocent Mary,
Or sister Shelley.
Don't know I dwell,
In Death's underbelly.

No Edgar and Allan,
Or childish Poe.
I slaughter them all,
Blow after blow.

I'm one of a kind,
Death's tour de force.
Murdering for pleasure,
With no weak remorse.

A monster of illusion,
With so many faces.
To lure all away,
From secure places.

Countless have fallen,
By my evil hands.
Or is it talons,
Across these lands.

My name soon revealed,
Now the end's in sight.
Concluding my dark tale,
With no shred of contrite.

Perhaps I'm a demon,
Spewed up from hell.
Or even a warlock,
Just who can tell.

Maybe a black witch,
Out seeking blood.
Who's well rewarded,
With an endless flood.

I might be found,
In a horror novel.
With powers unlimited
To make all grovel.

I must survive,
It's in my nature.
By trickery and murder,
By none so greater.

I am the darkness,
Out to envelop all.
Haunting this town,
At my beck and call.

To corner my quarry,
I'll recite a story.
And at it's end,
A conclusion so gory.

Legions of little lives,
Gone up in smoke.
By one sly and slippery,
Impossible to uncloak.

I might be unearthed,
From a dark fairy-tale.
A cruel guessing game,
If I'm male or female.

My scheming plans,
So savage and sick.
Enacted on the gullible
So easy to pick.

I cannot tell,
How many I've slain.
Towered piled bodies
In my dark domain.

My tally of hundreds,
Perhaps even thousands.
Corpses credited to me,
And my heartless hands.

Countless years ago,
Since I did appear.
This sleepy town tonight,
Wide awake with fear.

There's one special time,
Called Halloween Night.
I easily lurk in,
Delivering dark delight.

On Halloween Night,
I can clown around.
Brutal black comedy,
It's humour never found.

Small souls so gullible,
Look down a sink.
Where I call from,
And easily hoodwink.

My beguiled do choose
To close their eyes,
But I make each see,
Their painful demise.

I demand to know,
From what you've viewed.
Of my elusive name,
Do you dare conclude.

The clues are there,
For all to clearly see.
Hiding in plain sight,
Lies my true identity.

Any colour,
Any race.
Any religion,
I so evilly embrace.

Any child,
Any age.
Any place,
Can't escape my rage.

All that is human,
All that is holy.
All that is living,
I slaughter so slowly.

Of my victims,
I'm colour blind.
But crimson red,
I leave behind.

Weak things in life,
All pitifully cry.
All by my hands,
Each born to die.

Innocent false facades,
I effortlessly project.
What's reality or false,
None ever do detect.

Enough! One last clue,
The lights I do shine.
Are dead and cold,
Beacons made to malign.

It's time to reveal,
A last but one surprise.
My name is simply,

My last monstrous surprise,
I now finally submit.
My other name is infernally...

And if this dark poem,
Isn't your sort of thing.
Don't blame me,
Blame, Stephen King!

Hiya Georgie!

Dedicated to Stephen King

Stephen King. The King Of Horror And Charity

It, comes to us as no big surprise,
Of a writer who loves to terrorize.
His imagination does horror bring,
The living legend Mr Stephen King.

The most prolific author of his generation,
With his many novels of dark damnation.
A man with a charitable heart of gold,
Donating millions to aid all consoled.

So many think  when hearing his name,
A gifted horror writer of wealth and fame.
Superb dark stories of which I'm a fan,
And the unselfishness of this fine man.

You stay on top you remain horror's King,
You brighten our lives with dark colouring.
Such rapt originality you brilliantly show,
So live a long life and what it can bestow.

Thank you Stephen King.

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Being Me

Wow! We are doubly entertained here! A poem for Halloween 🎃 about the dreadful Pennywise AND a tribute to the man who wrote It. Loved both poems. Amazing. Great writing ✍ xx

Shaun Cronick

Tina many thanks for your gracious and most warming comment.
And I hope you slept ok that fateful dark unforgiving night...Dear God here I go again!🎃 
Glad you enjoyed both and IT.
See you on the poetry flipside and thank you again my most generous friend. x


Hi Shaun, I actually remember reading this one and it didn’t disappoint the first time, nor this time my friend. I like the added Stephen king tribute underneath. I love all the names you managed to pop in. It’s just a fab fun chiller. It can be anything and you certainly painted it well in this one. Always a pleasure reading you Shaun. I hope you had a fun filled Halloween 👻 x

Shaun Cronick

Gwen because of your past superb comment on the other version that was the reason behind rewriting and adding extra versions.
And to thank the great man and standalone writer Stephen King for delivering a book I read as a kid and could never truly shake from my mind and the cross cutting between four scenes that was incredible writing and story telling, keeping those balls in the air and also a reader dangling !
So Gwen if I hadn't read your original comment this rewrite and most certainly Mr King's  poem would have never been penned.
Glad you enjoyed reading IT my friend and God help me for I enjoy reading and writing a dark, for they make one's heart beat that little bit faster.
Stay well my friend,
Shaun. x


Oh wow Shaun, I am so thrilled you chose to repost and add the king to the end. I hope many find this fab read. IT is a creepy chiller of a thriller my friend. You always surpass expectations. So glad my little comment back then got you thinking to add more :) x 

Shaun Cronick

Greg thank you for being more than generous with the like, pin and stars.
Glad you enjoyed reading IT and have additional ones to add to your Tales From The Crypt poem.
Hope all is well with you and will be soon be reading your latest .
Stay healthy and I wish you well my friend

Shaun Cronick

Faith Van Riel thank you for liking this dark tale and its attached poem as well I wish you well and thanks again.

Liliana of the ...

Wow you rhyme similar to me. 
Really nice to hear my language thank you for being you. 

Shaun Cronick

Liliana thanks for your superb comment and any praise from you is gold and more valued.
Be seeing and reading you soon my friend and looking forward to it.
Thanks again and sweet dreams.

Pratibha Savani

Wow Shaun just catching up on your poems....and omg what a chiller of a rhyme this was! So cleverly written! I have only seen the film IT and was a young adult and it was scary. Never read his books a but yes he is the king of horror! Agree with other comments adding those names, homage to Stephen King! This must have taken u ages to write! It's so long and the rhyming is exceptional in telling a story that flows elegantly!! Magnificent piece. Truly!! Pxxx

Shaun Cronick

Pratibha I hear you loud and clear and late!
Thank you so much and I hope all is well and taking things one day at a time, small increments and all that.
For life goes on my friend.
Hang in there and King is the daddy and if you have the time read IT , it is amazing writing and he cuts back and fore with four scenes in places and multiple times. Amazing writing for any reader to view.
And that other Halloween poem is called Season of The Witch and your dedication is at its end.
See you soon and all the best.
The poetry best. x.


Cor blimey guv'nor this is nothing short of bloomin epic & with a capital E .............................. You are indeed the Tsar of this particular genre & not only do you reign so exceptionally well, your rhyming too is also second to none .. A mightily impressive bit o scribing Shaun & in many more ways than one ...

I was gonna say you are the King but then that may have sounded corny given the very worthy dedication you have tacked to the bottom of however many pages you filled ...
Be it on my own head, you shall henceforth be known as SotD .......... Shaun of the Dead ...

Your pall Neville :)

PS Here's wishing thee a super safe & healthy 2022 

Shaun Cronick

Nev and blimey to your good sir and mucho thanks my friend.
I can live with Shaun of the Dead, sounds odd I know.
And enjoyed the movie.
And if it wasn't for Stephen King I wouldn't be here typing this.
And Nev a little bird landed on my shoulder and tweeted in my ear about Amazon and a certain new poetry book called Cotton Girls & Paper Chains and said little bird recommended me to purchase it, for he respects the author's work and previous top drawer poetry works/ books.
That little bird being an avid poetry lover and recognises class and quality, so I will.
Thanks again Nev and will be seeing and reading your good self tomorrow night.

Shaun Cronick

Kristyna, Wow! Thank you for your generous and uplifting words and glad you enjoyed reading IT.

Pečujte a vaše dobré já a Martyn se v České Republice skvěle baví mezi svými bližními.
Mějte to zasloužený odpočinek a chill out !
 A oba se na mě napijte :)

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