Jill’s Tales💕
Chapter Seven - Double the fun 💕💕

Our house was like a hospital ward, with every maternal istrument that could possibly be stored
I had set my heart on a home birth delivery, but things don’t always go as straightforward as can be!!
I started labour pains when we were watching ‘Coronation street’ on the box television, and when I look back on it all now, having a baby at home was a stupid decision
Haha but I thought I would be just like my Mum, coz I was birthed in her bedroom when I came out of her tum
Well my anxious midwife was with me all the way and she was very good I have to say
Though this was a first for her and I, we chatted through the early stages and time passed by
Now through the middle of the night I sensed that Mary Watson was a little uptight.. but I wasn’t worried coz I had done this once before so we settled down for the night
And I locked my door..what could possibly go wrong I told myself, as I studied the numerous instruments on the sterilsed shelf
All night long my labour pains got stronger, and I apprehensively wondered if it would take much longer
Now I was in the very last stages almost pushing, when my midwife rang a Doctor and he landed in our room rushing
At his point the agonising pain was intense, waxing and waning from bad to immense
They needed to burst the water bag but they didn’t have a hook, and this baby was coming out by hook or by crook
So I got rushed away with the blues and twos amidst my disappointed, worrisome, woos
But as soon as they lay me on that temporary bed, a little hook did the trick and it was emergency red
Coz out she popped like a cork from a bottle, as fast as the speed of light in full throttle
On Thursday October 4th at 2.02 p.m. Laura Tait shot into this universe, without any aid from a Doctor or a Nurse
We were only in for a few hours amidst my pretty flowers and pink teddybears, I stared at her little round face full of innocence and finesse grace
I had seen this tiny pout before, as the afternoon sun shone amidst the hospital floor
Laura weighed slightly heavier than her sister had, but she was alive and kicking well I was so glad
Daddy was there the entire time, on each and every ward clock chime
Eeh I can see her today still, snuggled up from the Autumn chill
Well needless to say after Jenni’s milk intolerance, I breast fed Laura with a determined dominance
So all of a sudden we were a family of four, with two littleuns whom we would cherish and adore
I soon realised Laura was an easy child, coz she prefered to take things in her stride and not run wild
She followed her sister everywhere, on and off her Grandma’s chair
Having two of the same sex, was as easy as pie with nothing complex
After I dropped Jenni off at school, I would meet up with my friend Sharon and that was cool
Sharon also had two little girls, and Danielle was ten months younger than Laura with a head full of curls
Danielle and Laura would just lie on my mat, both were very contented and that was that !!
As soon as Laura started junior school, the head teacher, Mr Ayres said she is no fool
“All of your girls are very bright but Laura is something special” he used to say over and over again
He put her on a pedestal with a master’s brain
Mind you from the day Laura could walk and talk she always said she wanted to work with money.. of course I laughed thinking your’e very funny
Laura was a very placid lovely girl, and never in a hurry or her mind in a whirl
Jenni and Laura played just great, inside our garden gate
We bought them a mahoosive trampoline,and that housed them and all their friends and they could all be seen
Laura and Danielle went to the same night classes after school, coz anything Jenni and Victoria did well they thought they were cool
Jenni and Laura both played the flute, and when Laura dropped a hired one from the school that cost alot of loot
But we ended up buying our very own ,and that meant we didn’t need to take one out on loan
Laura also had piano lessons and passed up to grade five so we bought a secondhand one, it’s still stuck in our spare bedroom, man alive
In her teens Laura was akways pumping up the tunes in her room, and we were often telling her to turn down the boom
The Fugees and Lauryn Hill could be heard over and over again, she would holler these at the top of her lungs what a pain
Teehee, but our Laura loved her R & B and everyone was well aware of that.. Oh mercy me
So betwixt her playing on the play station and she was a whiz with the controls, Laura almost got square eyes on her consoles
On a Thursday straight from school well that was Brownie club, so Laura and her friend Phillipa would take turn about to go to each other’s house for their grub
We e had our regular everyday routine, all the little things that entertained a teen
Laura came along to my Linedancing classes, and stood near the back row with some other younger lasses
Infact she was absolutely amazing with her moves, as she pirouetted and monterey turned in her line with the grooves
So we were always very busy and Laura would always come along, coz her music was her life and she loved a good song
Haha “Laura, Laura the pond explorer” as a man on our park used to shout, and I never found out what that lot was all about”
We added an extension on the end of our house, so there was a new bedroom for Laura and an onsuite for me and my spouse
Laura absolutely adored her own space, and she had her privacy with all her special things in this place
I can well recall Laura as excited as can be, waiting on her carpet to be fitted overjoyed, happily
Now at about fifteen years old Linedancing got the old ‘heave ho’, coz Laura started going out with her friends you know
I never said a word but I missed her on the floor, novices would follow her feet galore
Goodness knows where she went til’ very late, and her sister and her man would scour the town in a state
Whenever we asked her where she had been, she would say Oh there was a party, the devilish smarty
But I trusted her coz she was just growing up, and I knew it would be alcohol she would be supping and not tea in a cup
Well her and I went away overnight on the train, she had to go to look at some university’s and pick where she would be stayin’
Manchester Metropolitan was the best, this one was definately better than the rest
And instead of starting straight away Laura chose to have a gap year, tho she was going to Tennerife with her friend and I did fear
But she went and was there for quite a while, I would talk to her on our landline and her voice made me smile
I wanted her home for Christmas so late in November, we boarded an aeroplane I will always remember
Coz our house got trashed by some scum, and they pinched things that were stashed and that made us so glum
But our Laura was home with us once more, safe and sound inside our own front door
Now the very day she left our yard with her cases in the car, A lad landed in his works van and he waved her off from afar
So this same lad waited for her to return.. they were destined to be together as we would all soon learn
Ricky Brown gave up his drilling employment, and he spent the three years in digs with Laura where they found enjoyment
Even to this very day they meet up with those very good mates, and they reminisce about their youth when they got in some states
Laura completed her degree where she ended up with a first, she gave it her all and was not unversed
The pair of them would come home every now and again, I went to stay with them but the long journey was a pain
Then when they came home with her qualifications, she was offered employment at a brilliant location
Laura worked at that firm for a number of years, then she moved ship to another one with excellent peers
She is a Chartered Accountant still today, her childhood dreams about her working with money was not that far away
Laura fell in the family, way so Maisie Sienna is my third Granddaughter and she is such a lovely, little lass I really have to say
A couple of years passed us by then the two of them got married, Oh me oh my
They have a nice property just up in the town, and we go to their house and they all come down...
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love to read about your
life wonderful story
Saved for later you are writing faster than I can read!! Xx