Joseph Robinette Biden Junior

The last prescient perspicacious politician,
who presided at the White House
ran out of office despite victorious landslide win
most Democrats gave their signed,
sealed, and delivered grudging approval,
but could not stem the crowdsourced
riptide of repudiation, a buzzfeeding,
and deafening chorus
of dyed in the wool rambunctious raconteur
Norwegian bachelor farmers
linkedin to radical reprobates,
hence subsequently our boy
from Scranton, Pennsylvania
found himself exiled to Uranus.
Tis now the time for
Forty sixth American president
to best relinquish figurative reins
as commander in chief
cognitive delays erupt frequently
fostering speculation
as to his wherewithal to serve
as oldest commander in chief
(since inception of North American republic)
being an octogenarian
launching a second administration,
I strongly encourage him
to harken back
circa nearly two hundred
and fifty years ago,
when founding fathers
took the global stage
surrendering mantle to Young Turk
such tapping qualified
representative of Generation X
Millennials or Generation
failing to forget at two score and four
constitutes average age of Founding Fathers
some less than 40 years ol in 1776
with several qualifying as founding teenagers
and twentysomethings.
Young Caucasian men all
most of the Founding Fathers genealogy
traced back thru English ancestry
many could attest family roots
extending across various regions
of the British Isles, including Scotland
Wales, and Ireland.
Fraternization among the wealthiest people
in the Colonies when they drafted
and signed the Constitution,
they pretty much expected vested gentry
to continue to guide the young nation.
None of the storied lives
of the newly formed patriarchal government
predicated upon The Articles of Confederation,
prepared by John Dickinson,
and the Declaration of Independence,
drafted by Thomas Jefferson,
both contain the phrase
"United States of America,"
which name officially adopted
by the second Continental Congress
on September 9, 1776.
Hard fought pitched battles would ensue
(and still spark fiery protestations)
eventually securing enfranchisement
for sidelined populations meaning
White Anglo Saxon Protestant men
no longer the exclusive voting bloc...
Unless das auld Don brooks
no Barron naked lady,
and by hook or by crook wins carpe momentum
snags, nabs, clinches, et cetera
courtesy political landscape gerrymandered
to twerk a Republican landslide,
âŠTuesday, November 5, 2024â©
choice for forty seventh commander in chief
(the 60th quadrennial presidential election)
securing the mantle of fĂŒhrer -
taking a page from Mein Kampf playbook.
Welcome to triumphant Trump land,
a webbed wide world demanding fidelity
courtesy his totalitarian crushing paws
wielding ineradicable, indestructible,
incontrovertible beastial domination,
whereat trampling colossal pachyderm
crushing into pulp
competitors, (especially contenders
braying, fearing, and opposing Donkeyhotey)
on the playing (né killing) bloody fields
little absolute zero vestige of democracy.
Existential nihilism of mine
would get ratcheted to the max,
cuz autocracy will punish as a crime
any nonestablishmentarian characteristics
diametrically divergent
from the credo declaring
fealty to the national socialism
(a form of nationalism
with socialist characteristics
sometimes referred to as nationalist socialism -
paving thee way for Nazism,
a form of German nationalism
and fascism promoted in Germany
by the Nazi Party de rigueur paradigm
guaranteeing for life self declared dictator
and his iron maiden,
who will hastily usher legislation
decreeing unquestionable obeisance
to the prophet (profit) of money
the twin principles
(with a twenty first century
twist and shout) eminent domain
and manifest destiny,
particularly within the realm
describing the outer limits
of the solar system, where dark shadows
witness colonization of the Earth's moon,
and other planets'
promising natural satellites.
Where yours truly predice dystopia
the cut throat machiavellian methodologies,
he (who luxuriates in the role of tyrant)
and his cronies will bleed the electorate dry
proving the maxim
you can't get blood out of a stone
totally false, and fueling, jump/
kickstarting, and orchestrating
(videre licet burning fossil fuels
at the expense of Gaia)
foisting horrendous impetus
on third rock from the sun
maximum destruction the name of the game
far from whatever loss of life and limb
concerning rendering extinct
multitudinous genus and species
constituting the biosphere.
Fast forward bajillion years
Terra Mater Prada raiment she wears.

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Hello Matthew...
Absolutely not...
We tried to warn the American people...
There's no one who could take over at this crucial moment to provide for our safety and security...
This is what the people wanted...
I know you heard all of them say Yes to this...
To All of this...
They didn't care what would happen to this Country...
They didn't want to research, listen or anything to what we were saying...
You know they weren't interested in prosperity...
They weren't interested nor cared for our well being...
They don't care about our Soldiers safety...
They plain don't care...
They can explain it to their children, grandchildren, and their greats...
My Grandchild and er siblings knows who were for them now and who was telling the truth from all the rhetoric they were hearing...
They have to be questioning the people they live with who closed the door on me saying I was wrong...
They had so many people telling them that I'm crazy...
I'm a xenophobe, or whatever we're called on a Daily basis for over 3 years...
They had their reasons so they should be the ones to explain it...
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
Correct me if I'm wrong you were ProBiden too...
I recall you were about the Free Stuff...
Nothing brings greater happiness then gaining insight into yourself, a regular and familiar respondent reacting to my mostly democratic leaning literary communiqués, which attempt to register alarm at political intimations, though I affiliate with progressive trends in general without intending to trigger any animosity courtesy impossible mission to attempt to convey personal ideas and opinions couched in material read from Mother Jones, Smithsonian, The Nation, The Week, and Time Magazine versus barrage of questionable information linkedin with more conservative media touted as truth but unfounded as factual, and yes an upbringing exposed to Unitarianism did color and skew perceptions of mine away from the political right, and more towards the left, yet NOT linkedin with revolutionary principles since violence proved as counterproductive tone to trumpet dogma, whether about weather, or social issues such as reproductive rights for women pitted against significant legacy of patriarchy perhaps because I view myself as liberal minded with relatively fixed core opinions, and welcome reading divergent outlook from yourself, cuz greater insight into how diametrically opposed points of view force me to scrutinize principles held dear to my heart, one modest male NOT out to set the webbed wide world on fire, nevertheless a pessimism cannot but seep into sixty plus shades of me gray matter as the 2024 presidential election looms closer every day, and intimations that rebellious militias will do the bidding of the forty fifth commander in chief.