They say it will come
They say it is there
As in dreams
Comforting and real
Waiting for a doorway to steal through
And on tip toes it will come
They say....
The wise ones
Slowly slowly inching the door
ever open
Untill the darkness flees
And the way is filled up with light again
And it must be so
For they are wise
So I sit here quietly in the dark
And wait.
Marion Price (2019)
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Marlon(I'm sorry, but my eyes sometimes see your name like that because the i looks like an l),
Happiness will come for you because you're an incredibly nice person, and wicked smart, and fum. You're great!
AND you're a marvelous writer!!
That was ridiculously, hopelessly hopeful, and beautifully written.
I wish I could write like you.
Hi my friend, you are so sweet to worry but I am in a good place at the moment Mathew, though it is easy to draw on personal experience to write the above( very I also work sometimes in mental health and have seen people, still and numb for long long periods of time, so it's a mixture of experiences. Thankyou Mathew, appreciated ?
I feel ya brother. I have under gone mind numbing adversity and heart break. Some of my circumstance due to poor decisions on my part, but not even half. I grew up believing that if you went to school worked hard, was a nice person happiness was the natural byproduct. Hell I used to preach that to people. Naw not now .. I have belatedly realized that 100 per cent of my life rests on my shoulders since coming of age. I was shocked with disbelief and self righteous anger. We create our reality. That doesn't make it hurt any less by all means we are relentless to ourselves. Unconsciously.
You are a gifted writer and I can feel a good guy. You do not deserve your unhappiness. If you can for a moment see that what we focus on we create and manifest. It might have been years ago when the thing that comes along that gets you was made all if our focus is sent to the universe we create as we go. I am trying now to focus on what I want and positive happy thoughts Not lists of what I don't want . I have enough of that.
Sorry for the long outburst just you touched my heart pretty deep thanks
Hi Violet, I'm female lol. Yes I too have faced light and dark...haven't we all, sometimes for no reason at all but I am in a good place at mo though I have indeed drawn on personal experience to write this along with work experience. Though I don't think we creat our own realities, we try to but as we cannot control the actions of people in our lives or random events or indeed, the way we react to it all, I feel the opposite and life events have shown me we control nothing...we only think we do. Anyway it's so lovely to meet you and have a conversation with you and thankyou so much for reading and commenting ?
Can I interject?
You scared the bejeezers out of me, Violet! I knew Marion was female, but then you said that and I thought 'Oh my God! It's a Pat situation from Saturday Night Live!' LOL.
Anyway, thank you for being female, Marion.
You complete nutter??, you make me laugh so much and randomly Mathew, don't change??
Thanks Marion! I won't! I haven't changed my undies in 7 months! that what you meant?? I hope so, or it's a little embaraskins. LOL.
You're awesome!
Oh goodness sorry I have a good friend named Marion and he is a male. Lovely to meet you mlady. And I shall not assume in future But it does make a fantastic conversation point. ?
yes I agree about outside events not our creation but did we attract that adverse thing because of our vibration it is an interesting time to be alive. More and more information that at one point been labled metaphysical is now getting a glance by hard science ..
Love your writing violet
I'm off to Nightshift but you have raised such interesting points Violet, will get back to you ...I need to think on this ????
Awwww Marion you moved me then luv ???
Yeeeees! That was my intention...thankyou my friend ??
Awww its lovely when one’s imagination actually moves another soul ❤️❤️❤️