Like the Phoenix reborn from the ashes
she spreads her wings and flies.
Not looking back to her past life
that`s gone now,on love she glides
She soars towards the radiant sun
where happy ever afters,exist
she walks among angels,
guardians of her soul,who help her
find the peace, she always wished.
Death for her was not the end
only a new beginning, a transition
to heaven, her paradise found.
No regrets no ifs no whys, just serenity,
tranquility, and love felt all around.
One day I will be like you, that phoenix
I will soar towards the sun and bathe in its light.
I will meet you there, I have missed you so,
Two phoenix together.
mother and daughter from the ashes, will unite...

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A Beautiful write.....Thank you
Hi Lorris Thank you for your comments
always a pleasure to have you stop by
I appreciate
Best wishes Debs
I love this hope filled poem, Losing the person who knows you inside and out is so difficult, it's almost 2years for me since i lost my mother and still so very raw..Yet i feel she's in a better place and I to will join her one day...As will you with yours.... Beautiful piece
Lorna xx
Hi Lorna I am sorry you have lost your mother too (hugs)
I Agree it is so hard someday`s. Today was one of
those days that i just wanted to talk to my mam
So I wrote a poem to her it helps me. I am glad you found
hope in it it was my intent
Thank you for your kind words and understanding
Debs xx
Beautiful write Deb, and very touching too ## missing someone we truly love ##
Hi Leah Thank you for your kind words
Yes missing my mam a lot today
Thank you again for understanding
Hugs Debs
lovely imagery.....painted with the hope and intuition of a mother's Love.......the metaphor of the phoenix was an interesting choice........The enigmatic manifesting in the magic of your words!!.........great stuff......but then......I alwaus love your stuff.........smiles......LOVE and ROCKETS!!........T xo ?☀✴✳
Hi Tony I was looking at photos of the phoenix
I was thinking a lot about my mother too
this just came out of me, I wrote it very quick
I m glad you saw hope in it.
Thanks for your lovely comments
always a pleasure to read
Love n hugs Debs xo
Hi Debs, lovely lovely lines. Thanks for sharing. Warm regards. Cheers.
Hi Cleo Thank you for stopping by and
leaving your lovely comments
Always a pleasure to read
Love n hugs Debs
Astonishing moving work.
Amongst your very best .
Thank you for sharing this touching composition.
Wishing you the very best as always.
Hi Richards oh Wow Thank you for your
kind words, I wrote this one quite quickly
but I seem to always find it easy to write
poetry for my mother,I think it is the emotion
you feel when you lose someone that was so loved
the words just flow.
Warmest wishes to you Debs
:) You have written a wonderful piece from the heart !
Thank you for sharing.
Take care.
So powerful and filled with high thoughts. Thank Deborah
Hi Anwer Thank you for reading and
commenting very much appreciated
Best wishes Debs
Hi Debs what a beautiful poem love the imagery of the rising Phoenix from the Ashes and the hope of all our
rebirths and being with loved ones again. One of your best x
Hi Wendy Glad you enjoyed this one
I find the words just flow so easy when writing
about my mother
Thank you for your lovely comments
They mean a lot
Best wishes Debs x
My Dear Debs,
Your beautiful words bring tears to my eyes, for we both miss our beloved Mother's so dearly. We both think about the day when we reunite in the Holy Firmament, Mother and baby Phoenix, never again to part. I end with a Haiku for us.
My soul cries with yours
Till we both see our Mothers
In wombs of Heaven
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Hi Larry Thank you for your heartfelt comments
and your lovely Haiku i appreciate your words so much
Sorry for my late reply
Love n hugs Debs xox
Hi Merrill Only you dear man would pick up on a line that I
put in, which I thought no one would pick up on
It was sad from my mams point of view because she did nt believe
in the afterlife and therefore was petrified of dying it caused her so much anxiety
over many years,making her ill at times, she battled three different cancers through
her life, sadly the last one took her
That line was me saying I hope she is in next world and at
peace now , I always wanted her to believe there was more after this life
Thank you for the hugs and picking up on that line my friend
Hugs peace and love to you Debs