Lost is it..?
Unless found..
Is nothing
Otherwise ..
Untell All is lost
Lost is all..
Untell otherwiseΒ
Nothing is found
Untell it is lost
Thank you ..i guess it must be hard to comnent on most of my stuff ..it usually has no specific meaning and i am very rarely litteral..lol ..95% of ny stuff is lyrics and i try to let people get there own meaning out of it ..and sometime i just use word play love this new thing i found " mirrored poetry "
check out " dammit im mad" by demetri martinΒ
Reads same thing backwards
very unique write, of course, I give two thumbs upΒ Β ?Β ?
no criticism for this write...
Thank you ..i guess it must be hard to comnent on most of my stuff ..it usually has no specific meaning and i am very rarely litteral..lol ..95% of ny stuff is lyrics and i try to let people get there own meaning out of it ..and sometime i just use word play love this new thing i found " mirrored poetry "
check out " dammit im mad" by demetri martinΒ