O wildly stirring wind
In sensuality's light
From whose unseen invitation
A wild spirit in me
A taste for a lust unknown
The delicious idea,
The ice-creamed perfume,
The curves of the neck,
Leading to the unexplored
Porcelain valleys
Of the sculptor's expectation
And the inevitable
Of pure sexuality's
Molded into,
Tony Taylor

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Well done angel
Thank You !!......you're an ANGEL!!......... smiles..........T xo. : )
When SEXUALITY rears up, at you, or any body....you, determine the outcome......by self-defining rules ( not regulations ! ). In the effect is the stimuli....to the higher, to the further, to the bearer. Of, more.
You, grow. You, share. You, believe......in better. And, the " agrarian " spring promise, of a bountiful YIELD. Why, shouldn't you ? Considering, how nice, THAT, is ?
Leaving the obvious behind.....we find what we want.....to foster a connection with more, than flesh and blood. WITH " LIFE " !!! :) Spiritual soul contentment educates, and encroaches....beyond belief ( perhaps ). IF, the scenario visualized is correct.
The CHOICE is stark. You, do not want to be led off the beaten track. Do you ? You, have to seek what suits, and fits. To explore the outer limits, not twilight, of your pioneering nature. :)
WHAT A WRITE. To, express, you. And, your needful feelings. And, gestures born of articulate fancies, with clearest messages lingering long. THANKS, For, that. :)
" THANKS. For, that. " :)
Punctuation matters !!
Dear poet brother RICHARD!!...... this is a kind comment...... but this poem is not meant to be literal..... so while I appreciate your input and time I must speak the truth for what it is.... which is, quite simply, the dream of a sculptor who is attempting to understand what it means to hold a 'Flesh and Blood" woman in his arms..... by bringing the statue to life,,,,,,. that he might understand himself better..... definitely an old cliché approach to the poetic...... but I'm always exploring that which is new to me.....thanx again my friend!!........ALWAYS a pleasure brother!!........T xo : )
You, understand the WARMTH which matters most. The feeling. The passionate response. Of, connection.
You, believe in the " true " spirit, of those touching caring and sharing philosophies.....and practicalities. BORN OF LOVE. BORN OF WISHES, to relate to another in every way. There is sensuality, as well as sexuality.....in the complete " package " of HUMAN experience and connectivity.
False, synthetic, artificial persona is from emotional detachment. Where, sensuality and sexuality do not merge or blend to create fully harmonized life, within " community " !! THE REAL SPICE....is in being capable of all ties to another, beyond the superficial. :)
SOUL CONNECTION, gives. More. Does it not ? !! :) :)
Thank you GREG!!...... you leave me speechless...... smiles......T xo : )
Wow I don’t know how that happened sorry great, by the way you are a great writer
Sir T...
What an Explosive write...
Stored my friend ... for future visits..
Thank you Sir BARKER!!
I am so surprised
You don't normally PIN my work!!
I am humbled!!.....
...thanx again!!!........T xo. : )
Catching up on your work Tony and really really like this....quite simply says so much...excellent ?
I am so happy to know that you've taken some time to check out some of my stuff!!.......I am humbled and more than appreciative my dear poet sister!!........ hugs n Smiles!!........ your cyber-friend and admirer......T xo : )
My Dear Tony,
Having studied art for half a century now, the metaphor of this powerful poem,
comparing desire with that of a marble sculpture by one of history's great artists, overwhelmed me. Michelangelo was quoted as having said "I saw an Angel in a piece of marble, and brought it to life". Your remarkable work, has returned me to "The Agony And The Ecstasy".
My gifted dear friend
Sculpts poems made of marble
That will ever last
Love you Bro,
Larry xxx
WOW!! WOW!!.... that has to be the best comment I've received from a colleague (so to speak) that takes one of my writes to a place where I feel uncomfortably humbled!!..... Just to have my name within the same paragraph as a world famous sculptor is shocking to me!!......I can't tell you how this made feel....THANK YOU so much my dear friend!!...... I'm sending you lots of hugs n kisses through metaphysical means at this very moment!!....... Love you brother!!........ talk soon......T xo. : ). wow!
My Dear Tony,
No wonder,yesterday morning, I felt "love in the air"
As for my comparing you to Michelangelo, you sculpt words as beautifully as did he marble, releasing the hidden Angels.
Love you Bro,
Larry xxx
“A wild spirit in me
Wonderful understanding of our biology. Our genetic need to procreate.
The endocrine overwhelming our intelligence, main reason why many fall victim to societies norms. Pure biology in play.
Having said all that within this reality the joy of intimacy is well laid out with this poem.