
Poem -

Texting and sexting as therapy

Texting and sexting as therapy

though many men,
(especially former Norwegian
bachelor farmers from Lake Woebegone, -

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Ordinary married...

Ordinary married sexagenarian mortal fĂȘted as savior incarnate...

Courtesy a plethora of marriageable females
dogging, hounding, and lowing the living daylights...

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The nanosecond bad a** to...

The nanosecond bad a** to risk romance

Twenty first century technology
allows, enables, and provides
instantaneous virtual...



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More habit forming than any...

More habit forming than any drug or liquor

I considered myself sophisticated and wise,
but the addictive power of texting

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major storm on the horizon...

major storm on the horizon reported from the "Fo'c'sle"

Though forever being a landlubber
a vision analogous to the nether world
deep within the...

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Off fish hill Daylight...

Off fish hill Daylight saving time 2025

min(no) newt effect on me.

As part and parcel of terpsichorean repertoire,
one whirling...

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One must possess the...

One must possess the patience of Job,

“The patience of Job” applied as an idiom that means to have great patience or endurance in the face of...

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This is Where Spring Begins...

In the heat of that particular moment,
he recalled, how he had once
traced her name, with...

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Shit Storm Part Deux

Shit Storm Part Deux

What we thought flushed
is back with a vengeance

This unrepentant
overflowing mess...

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Old Man Winter now flagging...

Old Man Winter now flagging, and slip sliding along...

as his stronghold diminishes.

Signals, triggers, and ushers kickstarting debut
of demure "...

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Brainstorming until...

Brainstorming until figuratively blue in the gills...,

and finally gung-ho with a poem title
important to yours truly
not disappointing his Facebook...

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If ye benevolent reader...

If ye benevolent reader count yourself as a wise married man such as me...

(truer words never spoken nor written)
take my word and decline
and absolutely refuse to take...

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Some Kind of Curious Something

I think it was while we were laying contented,
in two, conjoint heaps on
the top sheet, I...

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I paid no heed to the call...

I paid no heed to the call of the siren(s)

where amble lances
hurled with the might
of off fish hull seductress dances

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Gotcha! Once respectable...

Gotcha! Once respectable haute cuisine thief Sue She...,

Gotcha! Once respectable haute cuisine thief Sue She...,
a septuagenarian renown for his trademark...

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Turning the maxim...

Turning the maxim familiarity breeds contempt on it's head...

not just in time for Valentine's Day
but the remaining days of our lives
as the world turns...

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Double Checking Our...

counting backwards
and down in
reverse alphabetical
order I did note
at that...