man or machine
man or machine is,
a world of science
man or machine is,
a world of madness
a machine is a mechanic science
a machine is a mechanic madness
mechanic is mechanic of a man or machine
science is a mechanic of man or machine
science is a mechanic of science
vision is visioning man
vision is visioning a machine
vision is visioning a mechanic world
a vision is a mechanic world
a vision is a mechanic science
man or machine,science is a vision of a man
a galaxy is a vision of a galaxy  Â
a galaxy is a vision of man or machine
a galaxy is a vision of a mechanic world
science is a galaxy of a mechanic world
science is a mechanic world man or machine
science is a mechanic world science
athor notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... the meaning of the word “mechanic “ is for instance math is a mechanic and problem. this poem is about a mechanic world is a mechanic science. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.Â
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